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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 3 <br />first annual meeting of those multi -family property owners, including comments <br />from property owners. In reporting on the meeting held with property own- <br />ers/managers on program implementation and inspections to -date, Ms. Collins <br />and Mr. Englund reported on collected suggestions, comments and staff observa- <br />tions that prompted some of these proposed text amendments for City Council <br />consideration (Attachment B) beyond the overview of the program as provided by <br />staff (Attachment A). <br />Based on the first 3+ years of the operation of the program, Codes Coordinator <br />Dave Englund outlined staff s recommended text amendments and process <br />changes for the program (Attachment B). Ms. Collins and Mr. Englund noted that <br />the overarching recommendation by staff was that the Roseville Fire Department <br />takes on administration of the inspection responsibility, as outlined in the staff re- <br />port (lines 33 - 45) and related fee revisions as outlined (Attachment Q. <br />Ms. Collins reported that part of staffs rationale in proposing this change in in- <br />spection personnel was in noting that staff heard loud and clear that property were <br />inundated with inspections by the city and other entities (e.g. Department of <br />Health); and asked that those inspections be consolidated. Ms. Collins further re- <br />ported that this would address the perception of inspections for the city's immi- <br />grant population, based in part on the successes of the Police and Fire Depart- <br />ments in their public safety efforts to -date and good, legitimate outreach done <br />with those rental communities. <br />Ms. Collins reported that the Fire Department was receptive to this shift in inspec- <br />tion leadership and would allude to that possible undertaking later this evening as <br />part of their staffing update presentation to the City Council. In the event that the <br />City Council was receptive to this proposed transition, Ms. Collins advised that <br />she and Mr. Englund would then prepare ideas to expand the rental registration <br />program and other elements to improve this program. <br />Rental Licensing Program <br />In her consideration of this proposal, Councilmember McGehee stated the need <br />for her to make sure that the mechanicals (e.g. plumbing, electrical, etc.) in indi- <br />vidual rental units not typically inspected by the Fire Department, nor within their <br />areas of expertise, would still be regularly inspected by other city staff if and <br />when issues were brought to their attention. Also, Councilmember McGehee <br />asked if a real effort on the part of city staff would continue to make renters in <br />Roseville aware of direct contacts at the city level if and when problems occurred <br />with safety issues, such as those on the six-month checklist needing attention by a <br />landlord or property manager. If staff could assure that safety issues would be <br />adequately addressed by the city, Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of <br />the proposal, provided the City of Roseville and rental properties in the communi- <br />ty didn't end up as a news item such as recently occurred with the City of Minne- <br />apolis. <br />