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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 20 <br />Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 8:09 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br />8:16 p.m. <br />e. Update on the Information Technology Department's Strategic Plan <br />Finance Director Chris Miller introduced Ms. Veronica Koes and Mark Mayfield <br />and their respective titles; and noted preparation of a short video about the "why" <br />of information technology (IT) collaboration to make sure the City Council and <br />public understood the implementation of a Strategic Plan (Attachment A) and <br />next action steps for customers and employees with IT support functions. Mr. <br />Miller noted the limitations realized without additional resources, and the IT De- <br />partment's interest in gauging City Council support and acceptance of additional <br />staffing resources that would be a cost -share for all participants in the consortium, <br />but adding to the city's projected budget. Mr. Miller advised that staff would <br />provide more detail, but were seeking City Council guidance prior to pursuing it <br />further. <br />Ms. Koes introduced the video, advising that it had been a capstone project of <br />hers while pursuing a two-year Masters Degree in technology at which time she <br />shared the business model developed by the City of Roseville. Ms. Koes noted <br />that is had become glaringly obvious that Roseville was the only municipality in <br />the country using such a model, making it very unique, and allowing for ways to <br />extend IT support to the city's Fire and Police Departments. Ms. Koes noted that <br />staff was often asked to explain how the business model worked, and this had <br />prompted creation of the video meant to provide a broad overview of what the IT <br />Department did and why they did it. <br />Based on the detail provided in packet materials and the video, Finance Director <br />Miller sought City Council concerns and thoughts about the business model. Mr. <br />Miller advised that in talking with the I -NET Consortium at length and other Ro- <br />seville departments, the user group noted recurring and remaining unmet staffing <br />needs with current staff. As a next step, Mr. Miller stated that the need was to add <br />three new positions at a lower level, basically two help desk positions and one <br />customer support positions. By adding these types of new jobs, Mr. Miller noted <br />that it would provide those entrants into the IT field with opportunities for profes- <br />sional growth, and allow them to advance their skill levels accordingly. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined this appeared to be a simple model with com- <br />munities getting together to solve issues. <br />Ms. Koes advised that, under the current business model, computer support staff <br />responds 24/7 to a high frequency of calls that don't necessarily require a high- <br />level experience person (e.g. rebooting a computer). By establishing a help desk, <br />Ms. Koes advised that if freed up current higher-level staff to work on more ad- <br />vanced or complex issues. Ms. Koes noted that another situation occurring is that <br />cities want more on-site assistance to address questions, now taking time for sys- <br />tems engineers to respond to; but with that help desk and support specialist in <br />