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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 28 <br />and limited role. Councilmember Willnus stated that this was difficult for him to <br />decide, but his interest was geared toward a facility to serve the year-round and <br />beyond golf, since there was no guarantee the golf course would remain a viable <br />use 5-15 years from now or if golf would still be at that location. However, <br />Councilmember Willmus stated that he certainly wanted to keep the green space <br />at that location; and therefore noted his interest in how this fit with the master <br />plan and providing community gathering space and whether or not it filled the <br />need for seating capacity or group use. Councilmember Willmus stated his pref- <br />erence to have the Historical Society located on the city campus rather than in the <br />golf course facility. Living by Autumn Grove and seeing the number of people <br />flowing in and out of the facility, Councilmember Willmus noted that entered into <br />his consideration, while at the same time he struggled with the architect's esti- <br />mates without having any real dollars on the table, seeking additional information <br />on what would be involved in getting more refined numbers. <br />Mr. Brokke reiterated that it would require having an actual project identified, and <br />developing plans and specifications to send out for proposals. <br />Councilmember McGehee shared Councilmember Willmus' desire to locate the <br />Historical Society on the city campus and not part of the golf course location, <br />opining it was more logical. From her personal perspective, Councilmember <br />McGehee opined that she saw no pressing need for a larger space given the size of <br />the golf course itself and limited opportunities (cross country skiing), and its size <br />compared to that of Midland Hills and the U of MN courses in wintertime. While <br />it remained a nice public amenity for its size, Councilmember McGehee recog- <br />nized that there was no way to expand it and therefore, to build something larger <br />on the site seemed unreasonable to her and didn't necessitate building beyond that <br />need. Councilmember McGehee noted that additional needs crossing the budget; <br />and without a massive increase in rental fees, noted that she had not seen any oth- <br />er form for sustainability of the facility yet presented. Councilmember McGehee <br />further questioned the lack of information on energy efficiency considerations for <br />a building, its orientation related to potential use of solar panels; and concurred <br />with Councilmember Willmus in keeping the site as green space. Councilmember <br />McGehee spoke in support of a structure that was efficient, well-built, and well <br />thought out and appropriate for the size and type of venue currently in use and in <br />the foreseeable future. Councilmember McGehee stated that she lilted the poten- <br />tial parking changes, as long as there weren't too many challenges, but allowing <br />for reasonable expansion. <br />Councilmember Laliberte thanked the advisory team and staff for the presentation <br />and their work to -date. As part of the task force, Councilmember Laliberte noted <br />that housing the Historical Society was an integral part of the consideration. <br />However, Councilmember Laliberte agreed with her colleagues that it should be <br />housed in a natural site like the city hall campus; since she didn't think it was nat- <br />ural for most people to seek out a historical society at a golf course location; and <br />