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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 27 <br />along with a Golf Course Fund balance of $200,000 for a total projected cost of <br />$1,900,000. <br />As part of the presentation, Mr. Brokke reviewed two versions from the consult- <br />ing architectural firm: one for a 3,200 square foot building similar to the existing <br />size and function, and an alternate 5,000 square foot building and associated costs <br />for each. Mr. Brokke noted that Roseville Historical Society and golf course <br />maintenance cost estimates were approximately $400,000 allotted for the mainte- <br />nance facility and $600,000 for the Historical Society. <br />Depending on City Council guidance, Mr. Brokke reviewed next steps involving <br />selection of an architectural firm to provide building images/orientation; <br />plans/specifications for a project; advertising for proposals; selection if a contrac- <br />tor; and determination of project timing. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Brokke confirmed that those next steps in de- <br />veloping building images and deciding on orientation would provide more infor- <br />mation than currently known. Mr. Brokke advised that the current estimates were <br />only based on similar buildings and square footage as being built today, with any <br />further refinement of those cost estimates requiring a specific plan set. <br />Discussion ensued regarding new park buildings in the system, their use and func- <br />tions, and groups being served with them. Mr. Brokke reported on their use since <br />opening in 2015, and expanded use to 994 occasions, detailing paid rentals, skat- <br />ing rinks and warming areas, general recreation program use, community meet- <br />ings, city meetings and other uses as detailed in the annual report. Mr. Brokke <br />noted that revenue generated was approximately $66,000 in 2016 compared to to- <br />tal revenue of approximately $15,000 in 2015. <br />Further discussion included capacity of existing buildings, with Mr. Brokke esti- <br />mating seating of 50-60 people in the larger buildings (Autumn Grove and Lex- <br />ington) with seating in banquet style; with the smaller buildings (Oasis, Villa and <br />Sandcastle) comfortably seating 25-30 and Rosebrook at an approximately 45 ca- <br />pacity. Mr. Brokke stated current capacity of the community space at the existing <br />clubhouse available for rental was approximately 60 in capacity; and total capaci- <br />ty of the Oval being 220 in the Rose Room and 60 in the Fireside Room for a total <br />of 280 capacity. <br />Project Scope <br />Councilmember Willmus stated that he didn't want to duplicate space that was al- <br />ready available, but preferred mid-range to accommodate gathering space for ap- <br />proximately 100 capacity between that available at Autumn Grove/Lexington and <br />the Oval. Councilmember Willmus stated that a large part of his consideration <br />went beyond whether to seek space for other uses beyond that of a club house or <br />to specifically keep dollars involved only to replace the clubhouse and its function <br />