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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 8 <br />Roe asked staff to provide some of that additional information to help inform the <br />City Council's decision-making. <br />Ms. Collins suggested one option, if the City Council had any interest in pursuing <br />it, would be for staff to identify properties where it was a primary residence with a <br />variety of rooms rented out versus those used for rentals simply as an investment <br />and in non-resident situations. <br />Ordinance (Attachment B) <br />Mayor Roe stated several items in the draft code language of concern or confu- <br />sion from his perspective. <br />■ Purpose Statement (lines 22-30): change in language from "rental dwellings" <br />to "rental property" needed to change the "MRD" acronym as well if still ap- <br />plicable. <br />■ If that language is used as a definition that language should match defined <br />terms in other city code as well. <br />■ Licensing Requirement (page 3, line 124): "city" reference needs clarity. <br />Mr. Englund advised that the intent of line 124 was that the "city" determined <br />the expiration of a license. <br />Lease (page 2, lines 62-63): With a written agreement in place for use of a <br />rental unit, whether this was usually in exchange for rent or if also related to <br />bartering services. <br />Mr. Englund clarified that this language was copied from the current rental <br />registration ordinance. <br />On page 1, lines (20-23), Councilmember McGehee pointed out a grammatical er- <br />ror in verb tense. <br />C. Fire Department Staffing Presentation <br />Rental Licensing <br />Fire Chief Tim O'Neill advised that during last fall's annual budget process, the <br />City Council requested that the Fire Department return with an update on the con- <br />version from a part-time to full-time department. Chief O'Neill advised that staff <br />would summarize that transition in tonight's presentation, with more detailed in- <br />formation available in meeting materials. <br />Assistant Fire Chief Dave Brosnahan provided the staffing update, and efficien- <br />cies from the downsizing of the fleet and capital purchases, to fewer fire stations <br />and their reduced maintenance and upkeep. Chief Brosnahan noted that this in- <br />cluded the proposal as discussed by the City Council with Ms. Collins and Mr. <br />Englund that would be addressed from the Fire Department's perspective shortly. <br />