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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 9 <br />Chief Brosnahan reported on the department's increased training in Advanced <br />Life Support services, and work with Regions Hospital's Medical Director in be- <br />ing able to provide additional medicines and skills for critical patients and thereby <br />better serving the community. Chief Brosnahan also noted that a practice being <br />used by many communities throughout the metropolitan area and State of Minne- <br />sota was for medic or EMT programs, similar to doctor home visits, to follow-up <br />on patients upon their release from the hospital and to avoid readmissions to make <br />sure such an agency visited the patient at home after their discharge to monitor <br />their medications, nutrition and other areas prompting concern. Chief Brosnahan <br />stated the department's interest in pursuing this further in the future. <br />Rental Licensing and Inspection <br />If approved by the City Council, Chief O'Neill advised that the Fire Department <br />was prepared to transition these inspections into their current fire safety perspec- <br />tive inspections. Chief O'Neill reported that Fire Department staff typically kept <br />an eye on buildings even when not on safety inspections, as an ongoing effort, as <br />well as having the ability to access the buildings when observing something need- <br />ing attention. Chief O'Neill opined that a one-person contact for the buildings <br />would be a positive step rather than having property owners bounced from one <br />staff person to another and not having clear contact information. <br />Chief O'Neill recognized that, obviously there would be a learning curve for the <br />department and on-the-job training involved during 2017, with the intent to fully <br />implement the program, at the City Council's direction, on January 1, 2018. <br />Lodging Licensing and Ins ection <br />Chief O'Neill advised that staff was seeking the City Council's interest in the city <br />taking back lodging inspections from the state, in 2017 or starting in 2018. Chief <br />O'Neill reported that all full-time fire staff had conducted training over the last <br />few months for certification in lodging inspections. Chief O'Neill advised that he <br />had approached the State Fire Marshal's Office indicating the City of Roseville's <br />preliminary interest, but advised that it would require agreement between the <br />State and City if the City Council was interested in pursuing it. If so, Chief <br />O'Neill advised that the Roseville Fire Department would like to start immediate- <br />ly in 2017, allowing them access to buildings to perform fire and life safety in- <br />spections sooner rather than later. Chief O'Neill also noted that this would pro- <br />vide a pronged inspection approach between the Police, Fire and Community De- <br />velopment Departments; along with the Roseville Visitors' Association (RVA). <br />Chief O'Neill referenced a bench handout in support and provided by the RVA's <br />Chief Executive Officer Julie Wearn, , and would include some of the RVA's ide- <br />as in how to deal with some of the issues currently found in Roseville's lodging <br />industry. Chief O'Neill noted that many of the lodging operators in Roseville <br />were very good, but some needed more care moving forward, and consideration <br />given in how best to accomplish that. Chief O'Neill reported that Roseville was <br />