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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 10 <br /> ing with the interest of the commission in discovering how they wanted to work. <br /> However, Mayor Roe noted that this had resulted in the commission actually re- <br /> quiring more distinct guidance as to what the City Council was looking for, rather <br /> than avoiding micro-management by the City Council. Mayor Roe noted that the <br /> errors on both sides had been recognized to avoid duplicating them with a com- <br /> bined commission going forward, thus the early language in the ordinance (why <br /> the commission was being established—lines 17 and 24). <br /> Mayor Roe noted that more purpose language was provided (line 30) specific to <br /> the commission, with three areas outlined: evaluation, advising, and engagement; <br /> with specifics laid out for each category. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte referenced Attachment B in providing background on <br /> how the City Council made a decision and guided work of the Task Force. When <br /> reviewing language for this new city code, Councilmember Laliberte advised that <br /> the Task Force had considered work plan items for both the HRC and CEC— cur- <br /> rent and proposed — across the board elimination of none of the items on current <br /> work lists. Councilmember Laliberte noted that there appeared to be some mis- <br /> communication that the work of a specific commission was going away; however <br /> she sought to correct those misconceptions. Councilmember Laliberte clarified <br /> that city code (ordinance) didn't typically spell out actual work of a commission <br /> in detail, but noted those work plans were typically submitted annually or more <br /> often by the commissions when brought to the City Council during periodic joint <br /> meetings. Councilmember Laliberte further clarified that the combination of <br /> these two existing commissions should not be perceived as a negative for either <br /> commission, but a positive to expound on their collaborative efforts for the over- <br /> all good o the community. <br /> For tonight's discussion, Mayor Roe suggested two phases: first for City Council <br /> deliberation on the code language and any further revision based on that feedback; <br /> followed by a discussion on the actual name of the combined commission going <br /> forward. Mayor Roe suggested council member questions first, followed by pub- <br /> lic comment. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned the new "preamble" in the ordinance, sug- <br /> gesting it be struck, opining that it didn't come from either of the previous com- <br /> missions causing her to question if it really belonged outside the Unified Com- <br /> mission Code. With presentation of this proposed ordinance in this unique and <br /> different format, Councilmember McGehee questioned the need beyond Section <br /> 205.02 for consistency. <br /> In response to Councilmember McGehee about this format, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte stated that no one on the Task Force felt they were departing from pre- <br /> vious format, but based on one-on-one interviews with commissioners and the un- <br /> fortunate past false start for the CEC, the intent was to make sure things were <br />