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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 20 <br /> Amendment to the Motion <br /> McGehee moved Line 80, Item C (Engage) language revised as follows: "Com- <br /> mission shall engage residents and businesses by developing and supporting <br /> events and projects that embody the commission's purpose." <br /> Mayor Roe declared the motion failed for lack of a second. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte clarified that the Task Force had discussed "may" and <br /> "shall" and had intentionally left it at "may" to address instances where the mem- <br /> bers of the commission may not be responsible for the actual work (e.g. city staff <br /> as an option). For the other recommended changes, Councilmember Laliberte ex- <br /> pressed her appreciation for the edits and suggestions, all serving to expand the <br /> efforts of the Task Force in making a better document. <br /> Mayor Roe also spoke in support of the changes, hoping that they served to ad- <br /> dress some of the concerns expressed tonight. Mayor Roe recognized those pub- <br /> lic comments, and offered the City Council's interest in being responsive to them; <br /> and the overall intent to help the commission get off to a good start. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that this motion was to approve revised ordinance language <br /> only, and did not serve as official adoption of the ordinance itself. <br /> Roll Call (Ordinance Language) <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee, Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Motion (Commission Title) <br /> Etten moved, Willmus seconded, approval of the newly-formed commission title <br /> as the"Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission(HRIEC)." <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that tonight's testimony, and emails and phone calls <br /> received to-date had steered him toward the need for"inclusion." <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated her support for "human rights" and "engage- <br /> ment," but considered "inclusion" as a different issue in many ways and a result <br /> of giving people their human rights and engaging then, at which point they could <br /> be included or not as they wished. Councilmember McGehee stated her prefer- <br /> ence for "Human Rights and Engagement Commission" rather than as proposed <br /> in this motion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte questioned the wordiness of the proposed title; admit- <br /> ting that the Task Force had also shared strife over the name to recommend; and <br /> clarified that the Task Force was not attempting to impose this name, but seeking <br /> this very discussion. In the wake of the Task Force work, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte reported that she had sought counsel of the experts at the Minnesota <br />