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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Mr. Brokke displayed the anticipated next steps for design development (further <br /> refinement), preparation of construction documents, advertisement for proposals, <br /> selection of a contractor, and project timing for a potential construction start in <br /> September of 2017. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the Task 1 and Task 2 differences, with Task 1 de- <br /> fined by Mr. Brokke as finishing of design work; and Task 2 anticipated to end <br /> mid-June. <br /> Mayor Roe stated the City Council's expectation of a check-in late May with <br /> more refined dollars and details to develop final designs and specifications at that <br /> point. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mayor Roe confirmed that the City <br /> Council appeared to have a consensus viewpoint on the design type for the pro- <br /> posed building; but clarified that it wasn't the final design that would be further <br /> refined during the month of May by the architectural consultants to reach that fi- <br /> nal design stage. <br /> Councilmember Etten further clarified that this is the City Council's check-in on <br /> the process; and once at the end of Task 1, the details and dollars would be re- <br /> fined to move forward; and to review other pieces of information available at that <br /> time unless a glaringly obvious issue comes forward between now and then. <br /> Mr. Brokke outlined the deliverables available at the end of the design process for <br /> the City Council's information. <br /> f. Consider a Community Development Department Request to Perform an <br /> Abatement for Unresolved City Code Violations at 735 County Road B-2 <br /> As previously noted, this item was resolved by the property owner and removed <br /> from tonight's agenda. <br /> g. Consider a Community Development Department Request to Perform an <br /> Abatement for Unresolved City Code Violations at 966 Sherren Street W <br /> Codes Coordinator Dave Englund summarized this request and provided updated <br /> photos of the code violations as of today for this single-family, owner-occupied <br /> home, with the owner of record listed as Molly McCue. Mr. Englund reviewed <br /> current violations including an outside piling, storing and keeping of debris <br /> (407.03.H); storing of trailers in front yard (407.03.Q.1.a) and vehicle without <br /> valid license(407.02.0.4), vehicle constituting a public nuisance(vehicle without <br /> license plates — 407.02.0.4) and storing of inoperable motor vehicles (407.03Qc). <br /> Mr. Englund advised that abatement would encompass removal and disposal of <br /> items stored, piled and kept in the driveway; relocation of the trailer in the front <br /> yard to the driveway behind the front line of the home; and removal of the unli- <br /> censed vehicle removal of the vehicle at an estimated cost of$500.00. <br />