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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 27 <br /> As of today, Mr. Englund advised that the violations involving outside storage <br /> and trailer in the front yard had been corrected; with before/after pictures dis- <br /> played of this complaint originating from area residents. Mr. Englund advised <br /> that in his conversations with the property owner today, they indicated that the <br /> vehicle was scheduled for donation and pick-up tomorrow; and requested that be <br /> duly noted in the requested abatement action. <br /> McGehee moved, Etten seconded, directing Community Development staff to <br /> abate the public nuisance at 966 Sherren Street W by removal of the unlicensed <br /> vehicle if not removed by the owner by the end of business on Wednesday,April <br /> 26, 2017; with the property owner billed for actual and administrative costs; and if <br /> those charges are not paid, staff will recover costs as specified in City Code, Sec- <br /> tion 407.07B. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee, Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> h. Consider a Community Development Department Request to Perform an <br /> Abatement for Unresolved City Code Violations at 2096 Fry Street <br /> Codes Coordinator Dave Englund summarized this request and provided updated <br /> photos of the code violations as of today for this rental housing complex with <br /> four, four-unit building and a single family home, with the owners of record listed <br /> as Nips, Inc.; and not currently registered as a rental property. Mr. Englund re- <br /> viewed current violations including accumulation of debris (407.02.13); and out- <br /> side storage of junk, household items and other debris (407.03.H). Mr. Englund <br /> advised that abatement would encompass removal of the vehicle at an estimated <br /> cost of$1,000.00. <br /> Mr. Englund noted that this originated as a resident complaint; and to-date staff <br /> had received no response from the property owner. <br /> McGehee moved, Etten seconded, directing Community Development staff to <br /> abate the public nuisance at 2096 Fry Street by hiring a general contractor to re- <br /> move and dispose of the outside storage of items referenced at this hearing; di- <br /> recting staff to bill the property owner for actual and administrative costs; with <br /> the property owner billed for actual and administrative costs; and if those charges <br /> are not paid, staff will recover costs as specified in City Code, Section 407.07B. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she saw this area as a loophole in the city's <br /> rental licensing program; with similar situations with multi-family housing need- <br /> ing registration and periodic inspection. Councilmember McGehee requested <br /> that, at a later date, Community Development Department staff bring forward <br /> recommendations to correct this loophole, particularly given the unresponsiveness <br /> of the landlord in this case. <br />