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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 24, 2017 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember Etten spoke in support of such a directive to staff. Councilmem- <br /> ber Etten asked the Public Works Department whether there would be any long- <br /> term cost savings in posting permanent signs for State Fair parking. <br /> Public Works Director Marc Culver responded that the initial cost for permanent <br /> signage and their long-term maintenance would probably well exceed that of the <br /> proposed temporary signage for the State Fair. Mr. Culver noted that residents <br /> would also have an additional post in their yards to mow around. However, Mr. <br /> Culver noted that it would serve as another tool, similar to the signage by the City <br /> of St. Paul related to the State Fair, and make it easier to maintain "No Parking" <br /> restrictions during that time and help with visibility of signs versus those tempo- <br /> rary signs that are shorter, often hard to see, or easily knocked down. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that he'd be in favor of permanent signage as an op- <br /> tion with the State Fair absorbing or sharing in that cost. While also supportive of <br /> creating an ordinance related to parking in front of driveways and mailboxes, <br /> Councilmember Etten asked at a minimum that the State Fair provide information <br /> about increased parking enforcement on their website Once a driveway is <br /> blocked with homeowners unable to leave or access their homes, Councilmember <br /> Etten noted it was then was too late; but asked that the State Fair alert patrons that <br /> the City of Roseville took this infringement seriously. <br /> Mr. Culver noted that, similar to concerns with a city ordinance to prevent block- <br /> ing mailboxes if not already addressed by state law as is the provision for "No <br /> Parking" within a certain number of feet of a stop sign or signal light, it required <br /> education of the public. <br /> Noting concerns raised by St. Paul residents specific to the New Life Presbyterian <br /> Church lot, Mayor Roe asked if the Roseville city staff communicated and coor- <br /> dinated with the City of St. Paul to address parking issues south of Larpenteur <br /> Avenue as well. <br /> Mr. Paschke offered to send this City Council action to the City of St. Paul's <br /> Planning Division staff to make them aware of the situation. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that staff include emails from St. Paul citizens showing that <br /> input. While there is a municipal border, Mayor Roe noted that the issues trans- <br /> cend that border and needed collaboration and cooperation by both municipalities. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment at this time. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Julie Schier, 1260 Shryer <br /> While living in the immediate vicinity of a park and ride site, Ms. Schier advised <br /> that she had received no notice of the open houses and/or public hearings; and re- <br />