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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 14, 2016 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />with the License Center currently using approximately 3,300 square feet, but to <br />expand and streamline operations in a more customer-friendly atmosphere, sug- <br />gested an additional 2,000 square feet. Mr. Miller noted that any additional <br />square footage could be considered for other city needs, including storage that <br />was deemed to be currently lacking. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller reviewed various opportunities and challenges with the <br />proposed repurposing of Veteran’s Park; use of existing green space; additional <br />pressures on existing parking and sharing existing available parking; screening of <br />the athletic field among a few considerations. Mr. Miller noted that a substitute <br />park space elsewhere in the city had yet to be identified. Mr. Miller reviewed <br />some of the parking options and challenges with use of adjacent ballfields and <br />hours of operation for the License Center in the early evening and on Saturdays, <br />and possible overflow parking into the skating center lot. Mr. Miller concluded <br />by stating that as now understood, it appears physically that a building of that size <br />footprint on that site would be feasible without repurposing current activities and <br />buildings on the campus. Mr. Miller expressed staff’s confidence that the build- <br />ing could be positioned to preserve options to the north and east for future grander <br />ideas and pursuits in this general area as time and development opportunities <br />came forward. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller reported that staff had also considered new construction <br />on the NEW corner of the skating center lot that could provide space to tuck it in <br />without impacting geothermal wells on the south. However, Mr. Miller noted this <br />option created parking issues with hockey and ice time, spilling over in the oppo- <br />site direction and on neighborhood streets, already utilized during highly-attended <br />events. Mr. Miller also noted the current park & ride facility using part of the <br />south lot, and if considering this site, perhaps that would need to be removed en- <br />tirely. Mr. Miller estimated the need for a minimum of forty parking spaces dur- <br />ing the day for the License Center operation to facilitate employees and customers <br />during their busiest times, and sometimes perhaps more. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller reported that considerable time had been spent on this is- <br />sue over many years, and based on the most recent City Council direction, staff <br />had accelerated some of those conversations. While there are some other appeal- <br />ing sites near the city campus, Mr. Miller advised there were no willing sellers yet <br />identified. However, if so directed, Mr. Miller expressed staff’s willingness to <br />seek appraisals as applicable in preparation of a formal, bona-fide offer to more <br />strongly convey the city’s commitment in acquiring new space. <br /> <br />At this point, Finance Director Miller advised that staff was seeking a direction <br />from the City Council. Mr. Miller noted that the city’s lease was up for renewal <br />the end of January of 2017, with the owner of that site willing to negotiate a new <br />lease, once the proposed term was identified, and anticipating a 3% to 4% in- <br />crease annually. Mr. Miller advised that staff’s negotiations for this leased space <br /> <br />
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