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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 14, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />would be predicated on how aggressive the City Council wanted to be in defining <br />a new space for this function. <br /> <br />Councilmember Willmus sought additional context on the other city needs (e.g. <br />storage). <br /> <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that, independent but also related to this discus- <br />sion, was storage needs for the maintenance facility, currently woefully inade- <br />quate with nothing likely available on site. While that additional space could be <br />constructed elsewhere in the city and independent of the city campus, Mr. Trudg- <br />eon also noted the significant cost of doing so. Regarding short-term storage <br />needs, Mr. Trudgeon reported that the city was currently renting storage space; <br />and since some of the storage was specific to heavy equipment that needed access <br />in the early morning and/or weekend hours, he questioned whether or not it was <br />compatible as part of the License Center, especially if for a new facility at Veter- <br />an’s Park adjacent to residential properties. While the existing maintenance fa- <br />cility on the city campus could be repurposed for the License Center and other <br />city needs, Mr. Trudgeon noted that it would cost many millions of dollars to <br />move the maintenance facility off-site, with bonds for the facility still being paid <br />off. At this point, Mr. Trudgeon noted staff had been able to cobble together stor- <br />age space short-term, but admitted it didn’t serve to address the bigger and longer- <br />term issues. <br /> <br />Councilmember Willmus stated his desire for a more in-depth discussion on <br />citywide needs versus taking a piecemeal approach. While recognizing that the <br />current lease for the License Center needed to be renewed in the very near future, <br />Councilmember Willmus suggested reviewing facilities on the current city cam- <br />pus, as well as taking a more proactive approach to the issue to see if there was <br />additional acreage around City Hall that could be more seriously looked at. <br /> <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed that, with the City Council was continuing its ef- <br />forts to not think or perform in a silo mentality, if this involved a bigger facility <br />conversation, now was the time to have that broader discussion. Councilmember <br />Laliberte stated that she was fine in ramping up that discussion to consider all city <br />needs, including possibly repurposing the maintenance building with the License <br />Center located on the main floor, depending on options. However, Councilmem- <br />ber Laliberte suggested considering going “up” versus just limiting the conversa- <br />tion to building “out.” <br /> <br />Mayor Roe noted the large equipment storage involved in the maintenance facility <br />versus personnel that could be more amenable for a second story. <br /> <br />In general, Councilmember Etten supported looking at the big picture versus con- <br />structing a 6,500 square foot building only to find that more space was needed. If <br />the need was to accelerate the conversation now, Councilmember Etten supported <br /> <br />
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