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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 14, 2016 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />that process. Councilmember Etten asked staff to report on how many square feet <br />were involved in the License Center and Passport Office operations. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller reported that the current operations took up approximate- <br />ly 3,300 square feet, but based on current growth over the last decade, opined it <br />wasn’t worth doing anything less than 5,000 square feet minimum. Mr. Miller <br />clarified that the footprint shown on the displayed map was provided only to show <br />the potential impact to the site and adjacent properties with a 6,500 square foot <br />building, and had not taken into consideration a second story or smaller or larger <br />building on that same parcel. <br /> <br />Councilmember Etten referenced staff’s identification of the need for an addition- <br />al 2,000 square feet of leased space in the RCA (lines 28 – 29) . While seeing the <br />need, Councilmember Etten opined that one way or another, the city would be <br />looking to lease more space in the short-term. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller agreed that, if the viability of getting into a city-owned <br />facility was three or more years out, he would recommend a significant invest- <br />ment to the leased space, in addition to additional square footage, to provide a <br />warmer and more inviting customer service look like the License Center used to <br />have. Mr. Miller noted the current space and operations were cramped with many <br />physical limitations as to how many customers could be processed; with many <br />having to wait outside in all kinds of weather, or try to time their visits during less <br />busy hours. Mr. Miller reported that it was a frequent observation to see custom- <br />ers walking away from the License Center. However, Mr. Miller noted there was <br />no way to determine if those customers would return or simply have the incentive <br />to go to another license center in the immediate area. Mr. Miller noted the im- <br />portance as part of that concern with 80% of those customers visiting the License <br />Center being other than Roseville residents. <br /> <br />Councilmember Etten referenced his discussions with Parks & Recreation Direc- <br />tor Brokke regarding space needs of that Department, shared space opportunities, <br />and impacts to investing functions, as well as the Parks Master Plan concept for <br />no net loss to available park space and acquisition of replacement square footage <br />for any current park or open space that was eliminated. <br /> <br />Councilmember McGehee stated that she echoed most of the comments of her <br />colleagues, and the need to look at the big picture as part of this space need. <br />However, Councilmember McGehee also noted the considerable amount of time <br />discussing this with no action taken, and building up reserves to address space <br />needs, but then frequent use of those reserves for other needs over the years. <br />With the License Center being a good revenue generator for the city, Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee recognized the need to make it a good experience for cus- <br />tomers using it. While addressing several options for the License Center, includ- <br />ing repurposing the Public Works Maintenance Facility with a second story and <br /> <br />
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