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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 14, 2016 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />for a blanket prohibition for parking between a building and street, and consider <br />that on a case by case basis under a Conditional Use and then conditioned accord- <br />ingly. Ms. Steingraeber opined that this would serve the city and future appli- <br />cants as well and allow for a one-step application process versus a two-step ap- <br />proach for a Conditional Use and Variance process. <br /> <br />While asking for the City Council’s consideration of her client’s request, Ms. <br />Steingraeber advised that they would accept the City Council’s decision; and due <br />to timing concerns, had already taken steps for consideration of their Conditional <br />Use and Variance at the December Planning Commission meeting. <br /> <br />Robert K. Buss, Stan Koch & Sons Trucking, Inc., 42000 Vahlberg Drive, <br />Minneapolis, MN (looking to purchase 2500 County Road C) <br />Mr. Buss asked for a decision by the City Council tonight, noting that there was a <br />timing conflict to the degree that the next Planning Commission meeting was <br />scheduled for December 7 and the last City Council meeting of 2016 was prior to <br />that on December 5, 2016. <br />Council Deliberation <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Paschke clarified that staff’s ra- <br />tionale for including the language in Item 37.a for locations of outdoor semi- <br />trailer storage was tied to how they are considered in city code, specific to “out- <br />door storage.” Mr. Paschke advised that this language was consistent with other <br />city code regulations on all sites, including Industrial sites. While recognizing the <br />merits brought forward during public comment and their desire that this be con- <br />sidered on a case by case basis, Mr. Paschke advised that staff’s intent was to ad- <br />dress outdoor storage and how it relates to buildings with more than one public <br />street to remain consistent. However, Mr. Paschke advised that staff wasn’t nec- <br />essarily opposed to the City Council deleting it. <br /> <br />Councilmember Etten clarified, with confirmation by Mr. Paschke that a review <br />of other parts of city code would consistently list that “no outdoor storage was al- <br />lowed between a principle building and street.” Councilmember Etten asked if an <br />applicant could receive approval for such outdoor storage as a condition under a <br />Conditional Use without the added Variance process. <br /> <br />Mr. Paschke reviewed how staff analyzed outdoor storage, including but not lim- <br />ited to semi-trailers parked anywhere in the yard,” that would be taken into con- <br />sideration under a Conditional Use application and specific mitigation efforts by <br />the city and others addressed on any given site. With each site reviewed individ- <br />ually, including how many principle uses were involved and how many streets <br />were adjacent to the use(s), Mr. Paschke advised that part of the analysis would <br />include whether or not an upgraded site plan for a project and potential screening <br />or appropriate placement of outdoor storage (e.g. semi-trailers) were appropriate <br />as related to a public street and adjacent properties and uses. Mr. Paschke noted <br /> <br />
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