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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 25 <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Attorney Gaughan confirmed that state statute <br /> referenced a city's comprehensive plan, and the park/open space component; and <br /> suggested that this presented a good opportunity to review those particular sections <br /> of those referenced documents. As to whether that reference included the transpor- <br /> tation section versus another section as noted by Mayor Roe, City Attorney <br /> Gaughan suggested that reference in code should mirror that of state statute for <br /> "Park and Open Space Plan." <br /> Mayor Roe asked if this addressed Councilmember Willmus' and Etten's concerns. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that it did in part; but his concern remained as to <br /> whether park dedication money would be used by a developer to complete a side- <br /> walk section along a roadway or corridor and if so whether that then became Rose- <br /> ville property or if city dollars were being expended for potential corridor improve- <br /> ments for city collection of dedication fees on roadways not belong to the city(e.g. <br /> county roads). <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this was a current practice. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned if that concern actually fell into state statute ter- <br /> ritory and how those dollars were collected. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon referenced the last comprehensive plan update performed <br /> in 2009 that referenced the Pathway Master Plan that had been in progress at that <br /> time; and included in the Parks and Open Space chapter of the comprehensive plan <br /> as previously referenced by Mr. Brokke. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan suggested that it was important to note that the city had a <br /> plan in place and that dedication dollars should be used to complete that portion of <br /> the plan. If another project that is not part of that plan gets into a grey area and <br /> whether or not it was an appropriate use of those monies, Mr. Gaughan noted that <br /> it was important to keep in mind what current documents say as to the appropriate <br /> use under the current plan. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated his thoughts to pull language out for sidewalks, since <br /> this caused him concern that it would become a hole for money to go versus poten- <br /> tial park use that had been the intent of state statute when referring to park plans, <br /> not Section B indicating that a capital improvement budget must be adopted or <br /> comments on in the comprehensive plan. With the 2009 trail map having gone <br /> through several discussions and updated, Councilmember Etten stated his concern <br /> that by referencing it in the comprehensive plan, it quickly became dated and may <br /> open up problematic doors when addressing park dollars and current needs, opining <br /> that it wasn't germane to park dedication statutes. <br />