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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned how Councilmember Etten could consider <br /> pathways and trails around and throughout the city not to be germane to parks. She <br /> emphasized the desire of residents to have increased connectivity as to a subdivi- <br /> sion adjacent to an area needing improved connectivity; and part of the transporta- <br /> tion and recreation plans and needs. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that connectivity is a city priority; but if not in- <br /> cluded in this subdivision code rewrite, asked if there was actually anything requir- <br /> ing this section to be updated from current language. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> stated that she found it to be an attempt to fix something that wasn't broken and <br /> over-prescribing this section versus other sections by bulking this section up. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that she'd be concerned with any future develop- <br /> ment planning to provide that connectivity and using this section to cover two <br /> things with one effort. However,if the City Council and Park and Recreation Com- <br /> mission are already working together to connect any gaps, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte opined that there was no need for the level of change proposed in the new <br /> rewrite. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that this got to his point that a lot of times developments plan for <br /> a pathway along one or more streets that they pay for but the city gets the reward <br /> of since it was located in city rights-of-way. Mayor Roe stated that his only concern <br /> was that those may be used to offset park dedications; and if language could be <br /> developed similar to that current language to address technical issues and not trade- <br /> offs as a credit for the park dedication wanted by the city, then he offered his sup- <br /> port for reverting back to the original language. <br /> As noted in the RCA (page 1, section d), Mr. Lloyd advised that when a proposal <br /> came forward for a trail or open space, it was considered available to the public as <br /> a requirement by the city to consider it part of the park dedication component <br /> whether calculated as land or cash. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that was what he would argue against,but mandated in statute. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan clarified that this was not the case, and that the city could <br /> refer to their plan; with the statute simply stating that the city would give consider- <br /> ation to the fact the applicant proposes to do something on private property, with <br /> the state statute not mandating but simply asking the city to take that"into consid- <br /> eration." <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he read that as a financial consideration, with City Attorney <br /> Gaughan advising that was not his reading. <br /> Mr. Lloyd agreed with City Attorney Gaughan that it was at the city's discretion <br /> whether or not to accept a developer component as part of the park dedication re- <br /> quirement. <br />