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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 5 <br /> advised that such a small increase could be absorbed without much notice by home- <br /> owners, even though it would increase the levy and be in conjunction with other <br /> levy needs also coming before the City Council for consideration. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that such an increase would represent approximately a 1% in- <br /> crease from the current levy, and possibly even less when combined with other <br /> considerations. <br /> When looking at potential funding sources and keeping healthy fund balances be- <br /> yond the policy target of each, Councilmember Willmus sought further discussion <br /> by Finance Director Miller related to potential strategies to reallocate dollars from <br /> one fund to another. <br /> Finance Director Miller noted that this was a possibility at the City Council's dis- <br /> cretion for any repurposing or reallocating of funds, but cautioned that there were <br /> trade-offs in taking that step. Mr. Miller noted that, at least for the 5, 10 and 20 <br /> year CIP, it would look more problematic, but on a conceptual level, agreed with <br /> Councilmember Willmus' potential strategy. <br /> From another perspective, Mayor Roe asked for additional information from staff <br /> by running projections from various funds if current balance funds were reallocated <br /> in 2018, and whether or not those funds would remain healthy for the 20 year long- <br /> term picture or whether reallocation in 2018 would end up with the funds looking <br /> better from that same long-term view; or how viable such reallocation was in solv- <br /> ing issues in the short- and long-terms. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that by carrying it over for five years, it could <br /> potentially put a dent in the long-term picture. <br /> Finance Director Miller expressed appreciation for this discussion early-on in the <br /> process; but also asked the City Council to provide staff with any long-term levy <br /> targets moving forward to inform staff as they prepare their recommended budget. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that, as staff carried forward additional analyses <br /> and the bigger picture was known as to reallocation of funds in dollar format would <br /> look, then he would consider himself in a better position to provide a target levy. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that all available funding didn't need to be reallocated in 2018. <br /> Finance Director Miller clarified that staff was looking for City Council feedback <br /> on any or all of the four funding recommendations for implementation going for- <br /> ward, with built-in assumptions and inflationary impacts. However, if they were <br /> approved, Mr. Miller noted that they did represent a future City Council decision <br />