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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 9 <br /> added an additional $1,500 annually to operating costs. Mayor Roe thanked staff <br /> for including that good information and that level of detail. <br /> While not having reviewed too much of the more detailed information at this point, <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked that staff look at equipment not used on a regular <br /> basis to determine if other opportunities were available to share with other entities <br /> or through public/private partnerships that could still be at the ready and possible <br /> for cost-sharing. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon concurred, and clarified that staff performed those cost- <br /> share opportunities as much as possible,but often the necessary equipment may not <br /> be available for immediate use if and when needed. However,Mr.Trudgeon agreed <br /> to keep that suggestion in mind. <br /> As per his previous discussions with City Manager Trudgeon, Mayor Roe noted his <br /> appreciation of the plus/minus comparison information for 2018, noting that this <br /> also shifted things in later years for the 20-year CIP picture as well. Therefore, <br /> Mayor Roe asked staff to prepare a 1-2 page summary of major changes resulting <br /> over that long-term picture as decisions are made to shift capital items, especially <br /> those larger ticket items beyond the 5 year picture. <br /> As noted by Finance Director Miller, City Manager Trudgeon asked the City Coun- <br /> cil for any additional guidance, particularly staff's funding recommendations, as <br /> the budget process moves forward and whether or not those four items were within <br /> the City Council's comfort parameters or if individual council members had differ- <br /> ent thoughts. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated her comfort level with staff's recommendations. <br /> At this stage, Councilmember Laliberte stated her comfort with the recommenda- <br /> tions. However,with recommendation#4(OVAL improvements),Councilmember <br /> Laliberte noted the dependence on legislative representation; and suggested staff <br /> update and begin telling the facility's regional draw rather than relying on past <br /> presentations and information. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed that staff should prepare to start that process as soon as possible, <br /> especially for the city's legislative delegation. <br /> In terms of resilience, Councilmember McGehee agreed that regional support from <br /> the legislature was necessary to avoid big changes to the facility and its operations <br /> without that support. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advised that both he and Parks&Recreation Director Lon- <br /> nie Brokke had already initiated informal discussions with state representatives, <br /> and had participated in webinars about the legislative process itself. Mr. Trudgeon <br />