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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 10 <br /> advised that staff was looking harder at the equipment and its useful life in order to <br /> create narratives for additional conversations. Mr. Trudgeon noted the need to gear <br /> up for the right timing cycle for bonding years with that narrative and why the <br /> OVAL was important to the region. As the process moves forward, Mr. Trudgeon <br /> noted that it would involve a group effort,including involvement of the City Coun- <br /> cil. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte echoed Mayor Roe's comments; noting the need to start <br /> sooner rather than later. <br /> d. Consider License Center Proposed Lease Terms and Expansion Option <br /> As detailed in the RCA,Finance Director Miller provided a brief summary and City <br /> Council decisions to discontinue efforts to secure a new site to address License <br /> Center space needs as well as those of other city functions. Mr. Miller noted that <br /> License Center staff was also present to answer any questions. <br /> As noted in the RCA, Mr. Miller reported on negotiations with the current landlord <br /> for a long-term lease resulting in the culmination of those discussions as outlined <br /> for a 5 year lease (page 1) and subsequent negotiations with two options available <br /> (page 2) for existing space and for an approximately 1,600 square foot addition <br /> (Option 2). Mr. Miller noted the increased lease amount, reflective of new market <br /> realities based on similar properties owned by the landlord. <br /> Finance Director Miller reviewed financial impacts for the city for both options, as <br /> well as referencing recent tours of the License Center by council members to ob- <br /> serve impacts for the passport and license functions and their separation as man- <br /> dated. Mr. Miller noted the frequent long lines experienced by customers,many of <br /> whom chose to leave and go elsewhere representing a negative customer service <br /> experience that they would remember, as well as a loss of revenue for this city <br /> function. Mr. Miller asked that the City Council authorize staff to explore the ad- <br /> ditional space option to return customer service levels back to where they used to <br /> be and to serve customers more effectively and further expand those services. <br /> Whether the City Council chose to retain the existing space or to allow for expan- <br /> sion, Mr. Miller noted the outdated and no-longer-functional aspects of numerous <br /> capital items as outlined on page 2,lines 45-58. Mr.Miller also addressed increased <br /> business volumes and revenues even with limited space and amenities. However, <br /> Mr. Miller noted the longevity and commitment of staff at the License Center who <br /> were ultimately responsible for continuing to make this a revenue-positive function <br /> of the city and take advantage of opportunities. Mr. Miller sought the City Coun- <br /> cil's guidance on the lease option to pursue and their support for expanding the <br /> space and/or undertaking capital improvements. <br />