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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/28/2017 9:21:58 AM
Creation date
6/28/2017 9:20:52 AM
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Public Works Commission
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311 Thompson noted elimination of some of the deviations created in the 1960's to <br />312 1980's to address current needs. <br />313 <br />314 On page 18 of the plan document, Chair Cihacek noted the need to avoid <br />315 duplication of service (e.g. Routes 60 and 62) that was essentially the same and <br />316 often minutes apart from each other. Chair Cihacek asked how Metro Transit <br />317 addressed not having buses back to back or covering the same territory. <br />318 <br />319 Mr. Thompson responded that several routes on 262 had recently been eliminated <br />320 when found to be within five minute of each other, while one may be faster than <br />321 another, but serving as an example of what was being reviewed. As further <br />322 economies were sought, Mr. Thompson agreed that this type of duplication could <br />323 not nor should it continue. However, specific to the A -Line Route 80 and Route <br />324 84, Mr. Thompson reported that was a different situation for several reasons, <br />325 including that while the A -Line is accessible for mostpeople, some could not access <br />326 it. In the case of the University Avenue service, Mr. Thompson reported that the <br />327 Green Line versus Route 16 had been down to 5% ridership before the change; and <br />328 those routes were continued to fill gaps for those unable to make it to the train <br />329 station or in this case, the A -Line Station. For Route 84, Mr. Thompson recognized <br />330 that was a holdover that also served the Highland area as well. <br />331 <br />332 Chair Cihacek questioned if an option would be to reduce the size of the bus along <br />333 a certain route or to run Metro Mobility or other contracted services to fill that gap. <br />334 <br />335 Mr. Thompson noted that was a question asked fairly often of Metro Transit: the <br />336 right -sizing of buses to meet demand. While having tried to do so to some extent, <br />337 Mr. Thompson advised that the real savings is in operation, whether a 25' or 40' <br />338 bus, with those costs not changing all that much, since 90% of the cost is for the <br />339 driver/operator. However, Mr. Thompson advised that Metro Transit would <br />340 continue looking at possible options for any economies to be found in the upcoming <br />341 budget situation. <br />342 <br />343 Additional discussion ensued, including AVL service availability for third -party <br />344 apps, some of which were available through the Metro Transit site and several other <br />345 non -Metro Transit apps that could provide arrival times; new express Route 267 <br />346 into Maplewood from Roseville to downtown St. Paul with western connectivity <br />347 across Highway 36 to I -35E; Park and Ride facilities on Cleveland Avenue/1-35W <br />348 and Rice Street/Highway 36; and Rosedale Center parking under future agreements <br />349 and policing of those areas, frequently considered sanctuaries or "Park and Hides." <br />350 <br />351 Mr. Culver recognized Member Heimerl and thanked him for submitted his <br />352 questions in advance of tonight's meeting, with responses from Metro transit <br />353 provided via email to Mr. Culver. <br />354 <br />Page 8 of 14 <br />
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