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6/28/2017 9:21:58 AM
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6/28/2017 9:20:52 AM
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Public Works Commission
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355 Member Heimerl suggested that staff include some of the information materials <br />356 (e.g. Blue Book) as attachments to tonight's meeting minutes for information to the <br />357 public. <br />358 <br />359 As a transit rider to commute to work, including airport travel, using both the A- <br />360 Line and Green and Blue Lines as well, Member Heimerl questioned the <br />361 commitment to make public transportation a good fit. Member Heimerl opined that <br />362 it seemed to receive half commitment at best, using the example of the time required <br />363 to go from downtown Minneapolis to downtown St. Paul, opining that he could ride <br />364 his bike faster than that. Since part of that delay was caused by stopping for traffic <br />365 lights along the way, Member Heimerl questioned why the train didn't get the right - <br />366 of -way versus cars allowed to dictate to trains, especially given the significant <br />367 investment in light rail and ultimate goal of attracting ridership with a faster option. <br />368 If the trains aren't proven successful, Member Heimerl opined that they were just <br />369 a waste of money; and stated his preference for either a full commitment or <br />370 abandoning the effort completely. If people were to be encouraged to ride it, <br />371 Member Heimerl stated that there was the need for a public push to make that <br />372 happen. Member Heimerl also noted his safety concerns when riding a bus along <br />373 the shoulder of the Interstate next to a retaining wall, opining it was just an accident <br />374 waiting to happen. Member Heimerl asked how to get sufficient commitment to <br />375 support transit; and therefore it had prompted one of his questions as to Metro <br />376 Transit's overall budget and the percent collected from fares versus that total <br />377 budget. Member Heimerl opined that the A -Line was a great improvement; but <br />378 stated if he was a person with limited mobility, he would have concerns at the <br />379 stations when the bus didn't stop at the same location on the pad each time. <br />380 <br />381 Mr. Thompson advised that the buses should do so. <br />382 <br />383 If someone was handicapped, Member Heimerl noted the inconsistency could <br />384 create issues; and suggested that improvements such as this would make a strong <br />385 statement for customers who would in turn support public transportation. At this <br />386 point, however, Member Heimerl opined that there was mixed support and <br />387 therefore mixed messages on the program. <br />388 <br />389 Mr. Thompson reviewed the running time for the Green and Blue Lines from one <br />390 downtown to the other, agreeing that there were significant interruptions at <br />391 insignificant intersections as pointed out by Member Heimerl. Mr. Thompson gave <br />392 credit to the City of St. Paul and MnDOT in recent corrections made to improve <br />393 those issues. Regarding one specific intersection cited in Member Heimerl's email, <br />394 Mr. Thompson advised that he had spoken to the rail operation staff, who had <br />395 informed him that some intersections could not have priority (e.g. traffic flow issues <br />396 from Lexington Avenue onto University due to vehicle stacking at I-94). However, <br />397 Mr. Thompson agreed that there were some locations where it seemed that trains <br />398 should have signal priority but didn't at this time. <br />399 <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />
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