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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
6/28/2017 9:21:58 AM
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6/28/2017 9:20:52 AM
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Public Works Commission
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490 Specific to ongoing education, Member Trainor noted labels on bins providing <br />491 "do's" and "don't's" and asked if there were any plans to update labels on carts <br />492 (e.g. changes in refrigerator containers). <br />493 <br />494 Mr. Goodwin advised that it would depend if the city considered it worth the <br />495 expense, since those current labels were molded into recycling bins, and would <br />496 require replacing lids, not simply adhering a new sticker. Mr. Goodwin suggested <br />497 exhausting additional educational opportunities as a more cost-effective method to <br />498 start with; and since it represented only a small percentage of collected materials. <br />499 As an example of that educational aspect, Mr. Goodwin noted the need to <br />500 differentiate between refrigerator boxes and freezer boxes, where plastic was <br />501 woven in with paper fibers to repel liquor and therefore can't be made into pulp and <br />502 if found at the paper mill those materials were tossed, making the broader recycling <br />503 effort negligible. <br />504 <br />505 Mr. Trainor, with agreement from his colleagues, noted that distinction had not <br />506 been communicated as well as it should be. <br />507 <br />508 Chair Cihacek thanked Mr. Goodwin for his report; and Mr. Goodwin encouraged <br />509 individual commissioners to address additional comments or questions to staff for <br />510 forwarding to him for a response. <br />511 <br />512 7. Engineering Design Standards <br />513 Mr. Freihammer provided a short presentation and draft of the recently -developed <br />514 Public Works Engineering Department Design Standards Manual that was <br />515 currently being updated in conjunction with revisions to the city's subdivision <br />516 codes. Mr. Freihammer advised that the intent was have those engineering <br />517 standards and engineering -related specificities that could change periodically <br />518 separated out from city code, with only references provided in city code to the <br />519 manual. With engineering standards located in one spot, Mr. Freihammer advised <br />520 that it would make it easier for all parties. <br />521 <br />522 Mr. Freihammer's presentation included what was and was not included in the <br />523 manual, including city design standards for utilities and infrastructure, material <br />524 specifics and other details. Once adopted by the City Council, Mr. Freihammer <br />525 advised that the document would be posted on the city's website. <br />526 <br />527 PWETC Questions <br />528 At the request of Member Wozniak, Mr. Freihammer confirmed that there were not <br />529 many areas available in Roseville for possible subdivision, beyond those <br />530 considered three -lot yard splits (e.g. Acorn Road); with the most recent large scale <br />531 development that of Wheaton Woods. Unless homes are removed and lots redone, <br />532 Mr. Freihammer opined that he didn't see a huge needs; but clarified that the <br />533 manual would be used for new construction as well (e.g. Aldi development). At <br />534 the request of Member Lenz, Mr. Freihammer clarified that these standards applied <br />Page 12 of 14 <br />
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