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Last modified
6/28/2017 9:38:24 AM
Creation date
6/28/2017 9:33:35 AM
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Public Works Commission
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310 reaching the nearest water body. If traces are observed, Mr. Johnson reviewed the <br />311 measures taken (e.g. silt socks) to capture those materials before they become more <br />312 mobile and make it to apond, and their deployment accordingly. Mr. Johnson noted <br />313 that typically the materials are easily tracked, with residents notified of staff's <br />314 observations, and potential application of a $150 nuisance fine if and when <br />315 warranted, for residential and/or commercial properties. Mr. Johnson advised that <br />316 for those more egregious issues, the city worked with the MPCA for a larger <br />317 enforcement penalty, with larger spills often reported by the Police and/or Fire <br />318 Departments. <br />319 <br />320 At the request of Member Misra, Mr. Johnson reviewed the impaired waters in the <br />321 Roseville area (all) other than for the jewel of Roseville as far as water quality was <br />322 concerned (McCarrons Lake) based on the amount of work done over the years <br />323 related to water quality; with Lake Owasso on the rise as an impaired body and <br />324 Langton Lake not considered impaired given its standards as a shallow lake. <br />325 <br />326 At the request of Member Misra, Mr. Johnson reported on ongoing education and <br />327 outreach efforts to the public, noting the big educational push by the City Council <br />328 with its surface water plan to educate residents and schools for wilter quality <br />329 improvements. <br />330 <br />331 Chair Cihacek closed the public hearing at approximately 8:07 p.m., with no one <br />332 appearing for public comment for or against. <br />333 <br />334 7. PWETC / City Council Joint Meeting — Preliminary Discussion <br />335 Mr. Freihammer sought PWETC input on the upcoming (June) joint meeting with <br />336 the City Council by providing an example of last year's report of activities and <br />337 accomplishments, upcoming year's work plan, and questions for the City Council <br />338 from the PWETC (Attachment A). <br />339 <br />340 Chair Cihacek reviewed ongoing work plan and accomplishments: organic <br />341 recycling solutions, expansion of the recycling program to include parks, dialogue <br />342 with Metro Transit with concerns about Roseville's transit service, review and <br />343 updates for a number of city ordinances and policies (trees, parking lots, design <br />344 manual), solar energy options, comprehensive plan components, sanitary service <br />345 lines and cut-off locations and warranty program; with commissioners noting the <br />346 time-consuming nature of some of those topics. Chair Cihacek noted the annual <br />347 mandatory issues also dealt with by the PWETC. <br />348 <br />349 Chair Cihacek asked individual commissioners to provide their input to staff <br />350 outside the meeting via email for finalization at the June PWETC meeting. Chair <br />351 Cihacek advised that he and Vice Chair Wozniak would attend the joint meeting to <br />352 represent the PWETC, but invited other commissioners to joint them as well. <br />353 <br />354 8. Items for Next Meeting — June 27, 2017 <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />
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