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<br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE No. 1304 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, SECTIONS 1006.01 THROUGH 1006.05, <br />RELATING TO SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICTS <br /> <br />The following is the official summary of Ordinance No. 1304 approved by the City Council of <br />Roseville on February 9, 2004: <br /> <br />The purpose ofthis ordinance is to use contemporary terminology and "land uses" in this <br />section of the code, reduce repetition, and include charts for easier reference. This <br />ordinance clarifies and revises language. It adds land use charts and required dimensions <br />charts. <br /> <br />The new format consolidates the dimensional requirements on one page and also <br />consolidates the land uses allowed in the shopping center district into one standard chart, <br />similar to the work that was done earlier for the residential zoning text. <br /> <br />One of the obvious amendment advantages is that it reduces the repetitiveness of the <br />Shopping Center Zoning text by consolidation. It allows users to view a comparison of <br />what other business (in zoning districts B-1 through B-6) uses may be allowed (or <br />prohibited) in comparison to the shopping center district. Setbacks requirements have <br />been revised and made as similar as possible in each of the districts. <br /> <br />Lot coverage has been eliminated in this proposal. The percent of lot coverage will now <br />be accomplished by required setbacks, parking, ponding, and landscaping. Floor area <br />ratio has been changed to "1.0", which is equivalent to the B-3 zone. Building height is <br />clarified as 3 stories above the main level entry or 35 feet, except as approved in a master <br />plan or a PUD. More clarity has been provided in the 24 hour standards, regarding <br />buffer, landscaping, loading, lighting, and snow storage. The ordinance continues to <br />recognize the site plans and permits in effect as of January 1, 2000 as the "approved" <br />plan from which all future changes will be calculated. <br /> <br />The ordinance takes effect upon this publication. <br /> <br />A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office <br />hours in the office of the City Manager at the Roseville City Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, <br />Roseville, Minnesota 55113. A copy of the ordinance and summary is also posted at the Reference <br />Desk of the Roseville Branch of the Ramsey County Library, 2160 Hamline Avenue, Roseville, <br />Mn. 55113, and on the internet web page of the City ofRoseville ( <br /> <br />~.i3a <br /> <br />Neal J. Beets, City Manager <br /> <br />7 <br />