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CHAPTER 1101 <br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> SECTION- <br /> 110 1.0 l.: Pur-pose and—lufisdietion 110 1.02: DefiRitiORS <br /> ! 101.01: PURPOSE AND jURISPICTION-- <br /> design and affangement is eeffelated to a proposed master- plan study aiming a4 a tmified- <br /> seheme of eofnmtmity interests; A subdi:,Asions of land 1�4ng within the ineer-per-ated limits of <br /> the City shall in 11 ets fully eemply with, the e ,l..tio of f ftb, i this Titlo <br /> o zva ua aaa aaaa.� raa,�. <br /> the platting f 1 J> i, b, ntua�aaa Minnesota oStatute d •thi the City „t to the t 't Mita <br /> au � <br /> ehapter-s 412, 429, 471 cnc a 504 1, 1, la4io.,s the City r,.,,,,,.;1 does..., neeesswy f <br /> the health, safety, Hid good of;def of this general , <br /> 2-5-1Q62) <br /> 1101.02: T1EFINITTONS1~ the puTose f thisTitle, ei4 ram and tefms defined <br /> u.y aa�u a dened as follows-; <br /> a <br /> (n..,l 215, 7 5_1956) <br /> BOULEVARD: The poFtion of the stfeet fi& of way between the eur-b line and the pfopeft), <br /> line (1990 God'e) <br /> BUILDING SETBACK LNE. A line within a lot or other par-eel of land so designated on th <br /> plat of the proposed subdivision between whieh and the adjaeent boundary of the street upon <br /> whieh the lot abuts the er-eetion of an enelosed stfuetufe of fenee or- poftion thereof is <br /> prohibited. <br /> plans,COLLECTOR STREET-: A stfeet w-hieh ean4es tr-affie from fainof streets of residenee <br /> COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The eemposite of the funetional and geogWhie elements of th <br /> Comprehensive Plan, of any segment thereof-, in the fofm of maps, <br /> material as adopted by the City. <br /> optimum,CUL DE SAG: A sheft fniner street having one open end and being pefmanently tefminated <br /> DESIGN STANDARDS: The speeifieatiefts to landevvffer-s or-subdividers for-the preparation a <br /> preliminar-y plans indiea-ting, among other- things, the <br />