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CHAPTER 1102 <br /> PLAT PROCEDURES <br /> 1102.0i.: Pr-eeedura <br /> Data <br /> for- <br /> Pr-elimin.irnr_Nat <br /> 1102.03.: nequTiements—wveming--Approval ver-rDTeiimi„ plat 1102104L <br /> Noeossafcr Pati, for Final plot <br /> 1 <br /> 102.05: A „tanee of Streets <br /> 1102.06: Req ir-e Land impr-eyeme is <br /> 1102.07: Arrangements fef impr-eyements <br /> 11,02.01: Du OCD- <br /> E,*eept as pr-ovided in Seetion 1104.04 of this Tifle,befefe dividing any tr-aet of land into two o <br /> more lots or-par-eels, th abdivider- shall stibmit a prelifninafy plat of the <br /> for-the appr-o,,,a4 of the Planning Ce d the Getmeii in the following fnafmef- <br /> evot„h ni,,.,. <br /> 1. Contents of Plans- Subdividers shall prepare, for- r-eview with the Planning Go-- <br /> , <br /> , <br /> 2. infiarmal Consideration; gueh sketeh plans will be eonsider-ed as s4mWed for-infofmal and <br /> eenfidefitial diswssion between the subdivider- and the Gonffnunity Development staff-. <br /> S4fnissiaa of a stib&Asion sketeh plan shall not eonstitute fofma4 filing of a plat with the- <br /> r„ <br /> 3Medifieatt6 b pr-a..tieal on the basis F a 1, t t, plan, the Ge its! <br /> Development staff will infoffna4ly advise the subdivider-as pr-emptly as possible of the extent to <br /> w-hieh the proposed subdivision eonfiffms to the design standards of this Title and will diseuss <br /> ible plan modifieations neeessar-y to seeufe eonfefmanee. (1990 Code; 1995 Gode) <br /> B. Developer-Open House Meeting <br /> an pheant shall hold an open hettse Meeting wit . . I I - . the vieinity of the- <br /> potential development loeation in order-to provide a eefivenient fenim fe- E)ffiffitinit <br /> and s„li„it f oai aek <br /> 2. Timing. The opeft house shall be held not less than IS days and fiet fner-e than 4 5 d <br /> to the submission of an applieation for- approval of a pr-elifninar-y plat and shall be held aft a <br /> weekday evening beginning between 6tOQ p.m.-afld 7:00 p.fn.and eadifigby 10:00p--m. <br /> 3. Loeation: The open house sha4l be held at a publie loea4ion (not a pfivate r-esidenee) in o <br /> near- the neighbofhood aff-eeted by the proposal, and (in the ease of a par-eel situa4ed ne <br /> R6fi2T 411e's otmdar-ies)preferably in Roseville. in the event that s ie <br />