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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 19, 2017 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Councilmember Willmus concurring if the result was based upon the minimum at <br /> the rear setback at half of the minimum front width at that rear setback. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that a fixed minimum of 43' may be easier for staff and de- <br /> velopers to interpret than a percentage of a front yard width that could vary. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested 50' instead of 43' as the minimum setback <br /> no matter the size of the front, providing a 50' x 110' lot allowing for a descent <br /> building pad. <br /> After further discussion without objection, the table was revised to allow 45' for <br /> the minimum rear lot line length at the rear yard setback. <br /> With further discussion, and concern expressed by Mr. Lloyd that measuring at <br /> the rear setback line could have significant impact; with Mayor Roe noting that <br /> the rationale could also be used to build to the rear setback and still meet side yard <br /> setbacks, with an actual buildable width of 35'. <br /> Without objection, staff direction was confirmed at a minimum 45' lot width at <br /> the rear setback; with the caveat that if implementation proved this wrong, it <br /> could be revised again at that time. <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment at this time, with no one <br /> appearing for or against. <br /> Page 13, Section 1103.06: Park Dedication <br /> Councilmember Etten sought a refresher on why plans and city policies excluded <br /> references to the pathway master plan and striking "including, but not limited to, <br /> those..." (line 494). <br /> Mayor Roe recalled past discussion to revert to previous code language with <br /> staffs challenge being that there was no actual language to define that authority <br /> in the paragraph with the heading stating"as a condition of approval." <br /> Mr. Lloyd advised that in working with the City Attorney on this section, while <br /> recognizing the direction to revert back to current subdivision code language, it <br /> was important to remain consistent with statutory language in identify plans refer- <br /> enced in taking advantage of that language for park dedication authorization and <br /> how it was determined by the city, thus the language had been retained. <br /> Mayor Roe also noted that in this current subdivision code reference was made at <br /> the beginning to those three planning documents: Parks & Recreation System <br /> Master Plan, Pathway Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan advised that state law mandates that before city can even <br /> collect any park dedication, it must have a park and open space plan in place, with <br />