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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 19, 2017 <br /> Page 8 <br /> commission look at the short-and long-term CIP to determine where adjustments <br /> could be made to fund needs without a resulting negative fund balance. <br /> As addressed by Councilmember Etten, Mayor Roe noted the things remaining in <br /> the Parks Master Plan effort that had yet to be addressed beyond Phase I to ac- <br /> complish full implementation. <br /> Chair Gelbach suggested the need for more discussion in a joint forum for ideas, <br /> noting the ongoing focus of the commission on funding issues moving forward. <br /> Chair Gelbach noted that the commission was currently revisiting these issues <br /> point by point as part of the comprehensive plan update process. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that it was important, before asking residents to <br /> support further investment for additional assets, that the commission provide a <br /> clear plan for how to keep existing assets in good shape to prove the city's com- <br /> mitment and stewardship of that investment. <br /> Chair Gelbach reported that the commission planned to come prepared at the next <br /> joint meeting to show how the recent upgrades have resulted in expanded use by <br /> the community of those parks and facilities. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the commission for their attendance, update, and informative <br /> discussion. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:07 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 7:08 p.m. <br /> b. Request by the City of Roseville to Approve a Comprehensive Technical Up- <br /> date to the Requirements and Procedures for Processing Subdivision Pro- <br /> posals as Regulated in City Code, Title 11 (Subdivisions) and Revision of Lot <br /> Size Standards Established in City Code, Chapter 1004 (Residential Districts <br /> (PROD-0042) <br /> Senior Planner Bryan Lloyd briefly summarized the latest revisions of this final <br /> draft and highlighted various areas of an amended Subdivision Ordinance, with <br /> final vetting having been done by the Planning Commission and now the City <br /> Council. <br /> Title 11 (Subdivisions) Chapter 1101 (RCA Exhibit A) <br /> Page 1, line 30-32 (Owner) <br /> Mr. Lloyd noted Lloyd questioned the use of"owner" and how it should be de- <br /> scribed in this sense or what other kinds of owners may be indicated. <br /> Mayor Roe pointed out the use of"owner as applicant" (page 4, line 133) under <br /> the Minor Plat process, stating the "owner shall file an application." <br /> City Attorney Gaughan suggested not getting into that much detail as to the extent <br /> of ownership, but let them self-identify since the intent was to refer to the meas- <br /> ure of ownership over a subject property or duration of ownership, with any fur- <br />