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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 10,2017 <br /> Page 21 <br /> the Imagine Roseville community group had started as an ad hoc committee and <br /> included a number of representatives from other jurisdictions and agencies. How- <br /> ever, Mayor Roe agreed that moving forward, the group needed more formaliza- <br /> tion and thus by referring it to the HRIEC they could provide a recommendation <br /> to the City Council and incorporate those on the planning committee in that pro- <br /> cess as well. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that the HRIEC had a lot on its plate right now as <br /> they began sorting through the work plans from their former commissions and de- <br /> veloped a new work plan, including evaluating and advising future activities. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that it was important that the HRIEC was cogni- <br /> zant that the City Council wanted them to continue pursuing that process as well. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that their involvement in this case would be to advise the <br /> City Council on the process prior to continuing to move forward with the Imagine <br /> Roseville planning committee and with GARE. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the Imagine Roseville process had been <br /> very opaque to-date and that the HRIEC seemed the appropriate place to garner <br /> that transparency. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she found the PPP as presented by staff to <br /> include all elements that the City Council had been discussing; and agreed with <br /> the timeline and format and seconded the remarks of Councilmember Etten that a <br /> two-year timeframe was more realistic for this ambitious undertaking. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee opined that the sooner assignments could be made, the bet- <br /> ter. <br /> On page 6 under the "Inclusive Community and Governances" section and time- <br /> line for 2018 and beyond, Mayor Roe suggested revising the language from that <br /> stated to "...subjects `developed' by the `Imagine Roseville' planning process." <br /> Since the planning process remained unknown until referred to the HRIEC, <br /> Mayor Roe suggested keeping it more generic and flexible for whatever the <br /> HRIEC recommends. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated her continuing confusion with the former"Imag- <br /> ine Roseville" community visioning process and this new initiative; and suggested <br /> that changing its name may be a good topic for the HRIEC to consider and rec- <br /> ommend. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed that it was confusing, but referenced the opinion of those orig- <br /> inally on the ad hoc planning committee that it provided a nice tie-in to the origi- <br /> nal community visioning HRIEC review process as a positive thing. However, <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he was willing to let the name go through the process at the <br /> City Council's discretion. Since this PPP is intended as an overview, Mayor Roe <br /> suggested that it not become too detailed in nature. <br />