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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 16 <br /> was all over thirty-five years old. Mr. Puhaula opined that their proposal would <br /> support the city's business park; and that the city's previous use for a restaurant <br /> was antiquated in today's market place. Mr. Puhaula further opined that this use <br /> would not contribute to traffic in the area and be of low impact. As part of their <br /> tax study, Mr. Puhaula estimated that approval of this requested use would repre- <br /> sent an annual deliverable tax revenue to the city of$340,000. Mr. Puhaula stated <br /> that the applicant team wanted to be part of the Roseville community and encour- <br /> aged the City Council to be open about this use in the context of the larger busi- <br /> ness park. <br /> Applicant Representative, Todd Mohegen,Architect <br /> Mr. Mohegen offered his service to respond to any questions of the City Council <br /> related to the application. <br /> Public Comment <br /> James Bull, 3061 Woodbridge Street (Planning Commissioner) <br /> Referencing public comment at the recent public hearing at the Planning Com- <br /> mission level, Mr. Bull noted that this was presented as a retail-oriented business <br /> that was much in contrast to the language of the existing PUD and "Of- <br /> fice/Business Park" uses specifically excluding "Retail." Therefore, Mr. Bull <br /> stated his view that this was not an appropriate or fitting use as the PUD was writ- <br /> ten today, and as noted in the commission minutes from that meeting, was sup- <br /> ported by his commission colleagues, prompting the recommendation to change <br /> the PUD for this site or cancel it entirely. Mr. Bull sought to reiterate those con- <br /> siderations, and even if as suggested by the applicant's representatives, the city <br /> chose to assign a use from that established twenty years ago, the retail aspect of <br /> the proposed use remained a major hurdle for him in an area designated as Of- <br /> fice/Business Park. Mr. Bull recognized that this was one of the last sites to de- <br /> velop and hard to market,but spoke in opposition to compromising away from the <br /> original intent of the PUD. <br /> Tim Callaghan,3062 Shorewood Lane <br /> Mr. Callaghan spoke in opposition to opening up this PUD or changing it into <br /> something else and agreed that while it was fairly restrictive, if opened up any- <br /> thing could be build there and could seriously and dramatically degrade that area. <br /> Mr. Callaghan reiterated his past comments related to the University of North- <br /> western's expansion in this area for classroom use and potential lost tax revenue <br /> with such tax exempt entities should such a use become permitted. While the <br /> need for more storage facilities in this area may be a realistic need, Mr. Callaghan <br /> advised the applicant to update their information on storage facilities in this area, <br /> since one in New Brighton was recently build with the reconstruction of the <br /> County Road E-2 bridge over I-35W. Mr. Callaghan stated that the proposed ex- <br /> terior materials looked on the cheap side when compared with the existing brick <br /> building exteriors. <br /> Robert Murphy, 1996 Langton Lake Drive <br />