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City Council Meeting Minutes
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8/18/2017 9:20:32 AM
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8/18/2017 9:15:45 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 24,2017 <br /> Page 15 <br /> and its development, and enactment of an ordinance moving forward as an adden- <br /> dum to the PUD or a separate PUD for this site by modifying the existing PUD <br /> for this parcel. <br /> With confirmation by Mr. Paschke, Mayor Roe noted that the original PUD had <br /> been amended several times since its origination, including for the Veritas parcel <br /> and built of that site, and a second amendment allowing for restaurant use of a <br /> specific square footage to replace previous office use of this particular property. <br /> While unsure if that very specific square footage made sense going forward, and <br /> remaining open to amending the PUD along those lines, Mayor Roe admitted that <br /> the challenge was in how to amend uses as they obviously also related to this ap- <br /> plicant's proposed use of the parcel. Mayor Roe stated that he wanted to ensure <br /> that if an amendment was rescinded that it would not revert back to the restaurant <br /> use; or whether it would simply indicate cancellation of that particular PUD <br /> amendment. <br /> Mr. Paschke responded negatively, advising that it would be more complicated <br /> than that, requiring establishment of specific uses and creating an amendment that <br /> exactly identified how the site could be utilized moving forward; as indicated in <br /> the application request itself as well as his opening remarks earlier tonight. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Paschke advised that the city was <br /> on the 60-day land use approval clock from receipt of the application, with the <br /> formal application received on June 9, 2017 and concept approval deadline on <br /> August 8, 2017. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that he had several concerns, and realized that the <br /> Planning Commission had reviewed the application and recommended cancella- <br /> tion of the PUD that he was willing to consider, but not with the City Council be- <br /> ing under the gun with a specific proposal deadline. Along those lines, Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus stated that at this time he was not looking to amend a previ- <br /> ous amendment to the PUD in any way, but was more inclined to stay the course <br /> until the full City Council complement was available to see what the PUD should <br /> or could be replaced with before attempting to amend or repeal the existing PUD. <br /> Mayor Roe duly noted Mr. Paschke's advice that the City Council would need to <br /> take some action tonight on the current request. <br /> Applicant Representative, Chris Puhaula, Iron Point Partners, LLC <br /> Mr. Puhaula provided a background on storage and why the applicant felt this use <br /> was appropriate and productive to Centre Pointe and the community. Mr. Puhaula <br /> stated that in today's commercial market, storage use fit into retail and business <br /> parks, with their resemblance to an office building and most often utilized by <br /> small businesses including title companies. For comparison purposes, Mr. Puhau- <br /> la reviewed Roseville's per capita storage space at 1.8 square foot per capita that <br />
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