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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 2 <br /> On behalf of the community, Human Rights Commission and City Council, <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Gabriel Cederberg for his service as a Youth Commissioner <br /> to the former Human Rights Commission and presented him with a Certificate of <br /> Appreciation. <br /> Mr. Cederberg expressed that he was thankful for having grown up in a city that <br /> valued human rights; and thanked those he had served with on the former Human <br /> Rights Commission over the last few years. Mr. Cederberg wished the new Hu- <br /> man Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission (HRIEC) luck going forward <br /> as they continued to advocate for human rights in the City of Roseville. <br /> 1. Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br /> a. Consider the Issuance of a Premises Permit for Northstar Search and Rescue <br /> to Conduct Lawful Gambling Activities at 2730 Snelling Avenue N (New Bo- <br /> hemia Restaurant) <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon briefly reviewed this item, <br /> as detailed in the Request for Council Action (RCA) and related attachments dat- <br /> ed June 24, 2017. <br /> While appreciating staff comments, Councilmember Etten stated his concern in <br /> how this organization can comply with the proscribed trade area requirements <br /> when it was involved in a broader area involving 150 miles within the metropoli- <br /> tan area. Even with the additional information provided to him by staff in re- <br /> sponse to his question earlier today, Councilmember Etten stated that he remained <br /> skeptical, especially since the Police Department was able to provide no history <br /> locally of this organization; and asked about the follow-up procedure when re- <br /> viewing periodic reports from the organization as to their meeting the city's trade <br /> area requirements. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon, as confirmed by Finance Director Chris Miller, clarified <br /> that reporting is done monthly and therefore staff would be able to make a quick <br /> determination if this organization was deemed out of compliance with city code. <br /> If so, Mr. Trudgeon advised that matter would be turned over to the Police De- <br /> partment for their recommendation to the City Council for rescinding the license. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated that he had similar concerns to those expressed <br /> by Councilmember Etten, and was awaiting a response from Police Chief <br /> Mathwig to some of his questions. Therefore, if this was not a time-sensitive is- <br /> sue, Councilmember Willmus expressed his preference to delay action on this <br /> matter. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon confirmed that it was not a time-sensitive matter. <br />