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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, to TABLE action on the request to approve a <br /> resolution to approve a Lawful Gambling Premise Permit to Northstar Search and <br /> Rescue for more information to be provided by staff. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:11 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 6:14 p.m. <br /> 2. Business Items <br /> a. Planning Commission Meeting with the City Council <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed members of the Planning Commission, including Chair <br /> Robert Murphy; Vice Chair James Bull; and Commissioner Chuck Gitzen, Julie <br /> Kimble and Sharon Brown. Chair Murphy led introductions of the commission <br /> present tonight and asked his colleagues to introduce themselves. <br /> Chair Murphy expressed the commission's appreciation for this opportunity to <br /> update the City Council on activities and accomplishments since last meeting, and <br /> to address areas of its upcoming work plan and discussion items scheduled. Chair <br /> Murphy referenced the RCA detailing those particulars seeking further City <br /> Council direction and feedback. <br /> Based on last week's City Council and REDA discussions, Chair Murphy advised <br /> that the Planning Commission was prepared to follow the requested fine-tweaking <br /> of mixed use designations and inclusion of a residential component as it continued <br /> its review of the comprehensive plan update. <br /> To that point, when looking at renaming various mixed use designations for exist- <br /> ing districts, two of which were proposed to require a residential component <br /> (Neighborhood Mixed Use with 50% to 75% residential use and Community <br /> Mixed Use with a lower threshold of 25% residential use), Mayor Roe noted that <br /> in those areas designated as Neighborhood Mixed Use, some of those designated <br /> as such in the community were only 1-2 lots in from intersections at County roads <br /> and may not lend themselves to a residential component if and when there were <br /> already developed business uses at those intersections. Specific to Community <br /> Mixed Use initially using that same minimum threshold perspective, Mayor Roe <br /> noted that even with the understanding of those calculations in meeting 2040 <br /> comprehensive plan density goals, the City Council collectively thought more <br /> discussion was needed. <br /> While not having been at the EDA meeting when these proposed designations had <br /> been discussed, in his subsequent viewing of the meeting, Councilmember <br /> Willmus stated agreement with his colleagues and their feedback then and tonight. <br />