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2017_0719_HRIEC Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
2017_0719_HRIEC Packet
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br />June 21, 2017 Draft Minutes <br />Page9 of10 <br />to the City so that they have record of it. Commissioners should not be keeping this information <br />for themselves and if they follow upwith that person via email, they should copy her so that it is <br />documented. If it is a conversation that is not happening in their role as Commissioner, they do <br />not need to copy her. Commissioner Carey suggested this topic be discussed in the annual ethics <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Laliberte stated it has been an issue in the past. When the Parks and Recreation <br />Department has people sign up at an event, the staff takes the names back to the office, not the <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Djevi requested a list of ways they can get their engagement work done without <br />getting into any legal trouble. Councilmember Laliberte stated one way is take information at a <br />City sanctioned event and have staff take it at the end of the event. <br />Ms. Olson commented at a recent Council meeting they discussed changes to the Commission <br />code and they now require annual background checks for Commissioners. She handed out forms <br />and requested they return them by the next meeting. The background check would show arrests <br />and convictions and if these are present, the City Manager would decide if a person could serve <br />on a Commission. It would not be part of a public meeting. Councilmember Laliberte pointed <br />out the background checks need to happen because they have Youth Commissioners. <br />Future Agenda Items <br />a.Civility Training in partnership with Imagine Roseville <br />Commissioner Carey advised shereceived information from thegroupthat previously did <br />Civility Training and their prices are increasing next year. <br />b.Appoint Chair/Vice Chair <br />Councilmember Laliberte advised Chair and Vice Chair elections are made at the end of a term <br />year. It was not discussed how it would apply to this Commission as they do not have these roles <br />presently filled. It will take time for them to work through their plans and priorities before they <br />decide on these roles. If they elect someone before the end of the year, it would be a short term, <br />and then another election would take place at the end of the year. <br />c.Appoint member to Ethics Committee <br />CommissionerEichenlaub stated they should have a discussion on Philando Castile verdict as it <br />is an important issue to the community. Commissioner Groff stated he will find out if there is <br />more discussion planned with the Imagine Roseville group. <br />Adjournment <br /> <br />
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