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Attachment A <br />What is the position of Roseville law What is the cost of detaining an un- <br />enforcement?documented person? <br />€ Police want immigrants/refugees to be € It costs $180/day to house someone <br />able to use the police force when they in immigration proceeding. However, <br />need help, to report crime, and to share according to one of the panelists, more <br />Attendees received information <br />information about a crime without fear than $800 million in taxes is paid by un- <br />regarding Rosevilles current pol- <br />from the police. Safer communities will documented workers each year, result- <br />icies from both a City Council <br />result. <br />and law enforcement perspective <br />and in their absence about a $2 billion <br />loss in GDP. <br />thwartŽ a federal investigation or in any <br />other way prevent federal agents from <br />private prison in Appleton, MN, fueling <br />ent than having local law enforcement speculation about an increase in hold- <br />ing immigrants/refugees. However, <br />Governor Dayton has said he wouldnt <br />government cannot legally require sign legislation for a private prison in <br />local authorities to do the job of federal Minnesota. <br />agents and the Roseville Police Depart- <br />ment currently does not have the budget € How would the budget of the City of <br />to add the pursuit of illegal immigrants Roseville be impacted by a loss of fed- <br />who are not involved in criminal activi-eral funding as proposed by President <br />ty to their duties.Trump for cities designated as Sanctu- <br />ary Cities (or its equivalent)? <br />protecting and serving local residents <br />and property owners and does not <br />inquire about immigration status when receive direct federal funds outside of <br />interacting with residents and visitors a few programs. Law enforcement in <br />to Roseville. Police units will respond to the city is not contingent upon federal <br />criminal activity whether the suspect is funding. <br />an immigrant or not. <br />Other miscellaneous comments: <br />€ If detained in jail, ICE agents have <br />access to booking data that may cause € Being involved in Deportation proceed- <br />them to contact the county about de-ings requires an attorney to advocate for <br />the person involved. <br />not be a matter for the Roseville police <br />as the jail or the policies it operates with <br />is not in the Citys jurisdiction.a visa for victims of certain crimes. <br />4 | <br /> <br />