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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 24 <br /> cognizant of the concerns with not wanting to amend PUD's for every situation, <br /> Mayor Roe noted that since the city had done so for several past opportunities, he <br /> would also support including this use. Mayor Roe agreed that further discussion <br /> was needed to address ultimately eliminating the PUD regulating this area. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that the University of Northwestern was a large <br /> employer in the community, and if another employer was looking to expand, the <br /> city would be thrilled. Also, Councilmember Laliberte expressed her belief in the <br /> flexibilities and new interpretations with existing uses (e.g. hotels) and the grid of <br /> permitted uses for this PUD; and asked her colleagues to consider this request us- <br /> ing that same creative, flexible thinking that had moved Roseville forward as a <br /> partner in these professional education programs making Roseville the place to be <br /> and find that skilled, educated workforce. <br /> Specific to the subject of hotels as a use, Councilmember Etten noted that it was a <br /> good point, but opined that the PUD called out specifically for uses as supporting <br /> uses and they had been carved out accordingly, comparing that hotel use to that of <br /> the previous request for mini-storage use. Councilmember Etten agreed that the <br /> site had changed from the original PUD intention, thus its amendments, but <br /> opined that it still functioned as Office/Business Park with those sites designated <br /> as part of that PUD process for office jobs versus educational use. Based on his <br /> personal conversations with the President of the University of Northwestern, <br /> Councilmember Etten verified that this was not the only option for the school or <br /> would result in an end to their programs in engineering or nursing. Councilmem- <br /> ber Etten clarified his position was based on the PUD, not with the school itself. <br /> In response, Mayor Roe addressed past amendments to the PUD resulting in res- <br /> taurant and hotel uses, opining that precedents had already been established for <br /> deviating from job-type uses going toward support uses. Mayor Roe further <br /> opined that this proposal was no different from those past actions to amend the <br /> PUD, while also providing for more technical jobs. <br /> At the risk of anticipating the outcome of this particular vote, City Attorney <br /> Gaughan reminded council members of the importance in providing factual find- <br /> ings for denial of the application if this motion does not pass by a majority. If <br /> not, City Attorney Gaughan noted that any subsequent motion made along those <br /> lines for denial would require particular findings to support that denial; and of- <br /> fered to recite potential findings for the City Council's consideration and agree- <br /> ment if so indicated at that time. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte and Roe. <br /> Nays: Willmus, Etten and McGehee. <br /> Motion failed. <br />