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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Finance Director Miller reported that the projected impact on residents with the <br /> City Manager Recommended Budget was relatively small due to a significant <br /> growth in the city's tax base, presenting an opportunity to address several struc- <br /> tural budget challenges before the city. Mr. Miller noted that several of those op- <br /> portunities involved addressing the city's continued reliance on the use of cash re- <br /> serves for the General Fund budget and also addressing the long-term funding gap <br /> in the city's capital improvement plan(CIP). Mr. Miller referenced Attachment E <br /> providing a variety of tax levy options, along with their impact on median single- <br /> family homes. Mr. Miller encouraged the City Council to consider moving to- <br /> ward a structurally-balanced budget in the short term prior to addressing longer- <br /> term concerns. Mr. Miller noted that Councilmember McGehee's advocacy to re- <br /> structure utility fees by transferring utility CIP funding from the base rates to tax <br /> levy was included as Option E. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Finance Director Miller reviewed the schedules as <br /> presented. <br /> 2018 Recommended Tax Lew& Budget <br /> As outlined in the RCA (lines 19 — 54), Finance Director Miller summarized rec- <br /> ommendations and highlighted spending areas (lines 39 —43) as addressed previ- <br /> ously by City Manager Trudgeon in the initial budget presentation. <br /> With Option E in shifting utility charges to the property tax, Councilmember <br /> Willmus requested how that would impact tax exempt properties. Councilmember <br /> Willmus asked if that had been taken into consideration in Attachment E's <br /> spreadsheet or spread city-wide. <br /> Finance Director Miller responded that there would be public policy considera- <br /> tions requiring additional conversations including that impact and whether to <br /> leave those exempt properties alone or address changes on those property bills ac- <br /> cordingly. Mr. Miller clarified that the spreadsheet addressed city-wide distribu- <br /> tion across taxable properties only in Option E. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Finance Director Miller confirmed <br /> that the Finance Commission had not yet reviewed any of these options (A — D), <br /> having only reviewed shifting the utility base rate from residential to non- <br /> residential properties,but not specifically analyzing Option E. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked what the percentage of increase was for a median <br /> valued home for every $100,000 added to the levy. Finance Director Miller cal- <br /> culated that it represented an approximately 0.25% increase in the levy for a me- <br /> dian valued home. <br /> With tonight's action to set a not-to-exceed preliminary budget and levy, Mayor <br /> Roe suggested that more detailed discussions about specific policy choices within <br /> options A-E occur at a future meeting. <br />