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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Specific to the Option E proposal, Mayor Roe stated that he was not comfortable <br /> setting the 2018 not-to-exceed levy and budget tonight under that option without a <br /> better understanding by the public and City Council on ramifications. If taking <br /> that step for Option E, Mayor Roe opined that the public should be alerted well <br /> ahead of time, and stated he'd anticipate considerable comment by the public if <br /> that large an increase showed up on proposed property tax notices this fall. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he had several philosophical concerns with Councilmember <br /> McGehee's proposal, including transferring utility fees to taxpayers and how to <br /> address tax exempt properties, how a customer should be charged for use of city <br /> utilities, and other equities to address. Mayor Roe noted that while there may be <br /> some benefit to median-priced and/or lower-valued homes in Roseville, there <br /> would also be a huge shift for higher-priced properties, leaving him unsure how <br /> best to fund the city's utility system overall. With the current system distributing <br /> costs to all users in that equitable way, Mayor Roe opined that he was convinced <br /> that Option E shifted that burden leaving him uncomfortable in taking that step <br /> without more discussion that he had anticipated occurring over the next year. <br /> Mayor Roe stated that he was also not comfortable setting the levy as low as out- <br /> lined in the City Manager Recommended Levy as this motion would establish; <br /> rather supporting Councilmember Etten's suggestion for a 3% total cost impact <br /> increase. However, Mayor Roe noted that with that proposed decision, there <br /> would be an additional $580,000 additional revenue coming into the city that <br /> needed further discussion as it considered application of incremental approaches <br /> to solve problems. While typically $200,000 to $250,000 of levy capacity had <br /> been added in a single year previously to address CIP funding, Mayor Roe opined <br /> that $580,00 amount could provide considerable flexibility and its application <br /> could address those fund balances of concern while not using the entire $780,000 <br /> in reserves to cover operating funds. Mayor Roe noted that there were several ar- <br /> eas in the CIP that needed immediate resolution: Parks & Recreation and Building <br /> Replacement items. <br /> Therefore, Mayor Roe stated that he would not support the motion as it didn't al- <br /> low for that additional discussion and consideration before year-end. <br /> Discussion ensued as to an option beyond the current motion (Option A or C or <br /> combination thereof); use of anticipated $800,000 in reserves for this current fis- <br /> cal year; how best to address serious CIP needs in the short-term; and how to ad- <br /> dress continued growth of operating costs. <br /> Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, calling the question. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Roll Call (Attachment A)As Presented <br />