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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 9, 2017 <br /> Page 15 <br /> sion and Engagement Commission — HRIEC) versus having them run in parallel <br /> tracks. <br /> Assistant City Manager Olson responded that, based on her previous experience <br /> with the program, there was a heavy focus internally at first and emphasized that <br /> it was important to understand these difficult topics that continued to come for- <br /> ward in the community before facilitating discussions with others, in order to de- <br /> velop a skill-set to intentionally address those areas. If not, Ms. Olson opined that <br /> it could do more damage than good if some of those important conversations were <br /> tackled without having a prior understanding and knowledge of how best to ad- <br /> dress and engage the discussion. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that the community was already involved in <br /> many areas similar to the GARE initiative, and asked that the HRIEC have a dis- <br /> cussion about how to pull things together (e.g. Imagine Roseville process in SE <br /> Roseville) and make recommendations to the City Council as to how each com- <br /> plemented the other versus competing or duplicating parallel tracks. Also, Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte asked how the time commitment (66 hours per person) im- <br /> pacted the regular functions and daily work load of participating staff. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon stated that, no doubt, there would be an impact on staff, <br /> but further stated the importance of the city doing this program, and allowing staff <br /> to re-prioritize their work load to include this program especially given its high <br /> priority to the community and city. Mr. Trudgeon opined that he didn't see staff <br /> losing productivity or that any additional staff would be needed, but that he saw <br /> this program working into staff's day and/or evening work load, but not impacting <br /> regular city services. Mr. Trudgeon reiterated the importance and worthiness of <br /> investing in this program and value added to the city. If there should be any inef- <br /> ficiencies found in delivery of city services, Mr. Trudgeon opined it would be a <br /> small price to pay compared to the importance of this program. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked if City Manager Trudgeon saw this as a staff <br /> first effort with their ability to share regularly with the HRIEC what was being <br /> learned or if he saw this as tied to the HRIEC with commissioners involved as <br /> part of the GARE team. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon responded that he would focus on staff first with them <br /> then sharing what was learned with the HRIEC as the program is completed. If in <br /> the future, the LMC has an elected official portion of the GARE program to offer, <br /> Mr. Trudgeon suggested that would provide an opportunity for commissioners as <br /> well. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the city had an option to train or share infor- <br /> mation and work together collaboratively, and stated that staff would work hard to <br /> do that. Even though comments are frequently heard about the "silo" issue, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon suggested that the training focus first on staff. <br />
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