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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
12/8/2017 11:34:25 AM
Creation date
12/8/2017 11:33:03 AM
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Public Works Commission
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305 Mr. Mareck provided an overview on the crash data provided in the meeting packet <br />306 on pages 41 and 42. On page 42, the colors that are yellow and above are considered <br />307 the high crash problematic locations. The three intersections with the most injuries <br />308 are County Road B and Snelling Avenue, County Road C and Snelling Avenue, <br />309 and County Road C and Cleveland Avenue. He noted in a recent report issued by <br />310 Metropolitan Council that highlighted the freight system and crashes, County Road <br />311 C is ranked number 3 in the Twin Cities for truck delay and County Road B2, <br />312 County Road C, and New Brighton Boulevard are all in the top 20 for truck crash <br />313 locations in the Twin Cities region. Some factors that may contribute to this are <br />314 amount of trucks, their speeds, high traffic volumes, and unexpected stop times. <br />315 Member Misra inquired if the roads leaving Roseville that are coded blue are <br />316 accurate. Mr. Mareck responded it is coincidental. The colors represent the crashes <br />317 at locations which are typically higher at high volume intersections. <br />318 Mr. Mareck continued his report on the freight infrastructure and transit services <br />319 pages 43 through 45 of the meeting packed. Lack of service has been identified in <br />320 the Larpenteur Avenue corridor east of Victoria Street, along with the need for <br />321 additional bus shelters and east/west transit service. Mr. Culver advised they will <br />322 also add the concerns about senior transit and on -demand service. <br />323 Mr. Mareck reported it is required by the Metropolitan Council that a <br />324 bicycle/pedestrian component be submitted with the Transportation Plan. They <br />325 have been directed to review and update the previous plan, and these are highlighted <br />326 on pages 47 and 48 of the meeting packet. He requested feedback on what is <br />327 represented on the maps, to be discussed ata later date. As they consider the broader <br />328 regional system and their own community system, they are required to have <br />329 conversations regarding connections with neighboring communities. <br />330 Member Heimerl inquired if they are tracking an increase in bike travelers that are <br />331 going on the paths being constructed and the demographic of bikers that are <br />332 choosing to bike commute. They need to determine if the amount of money they <br />333 are putting into the bike lanes makes sense. He expressed concern that Roseville <br />334 has different values than the Metropolitan Council, and because of that, they may <br />335 not represent Roseville's success. <br />336 Member Wozniak agreed that the demographic of bikers seems to begin around the <br />337 age of 30 at the youngest and goes up from there. <br />338 Mr. Culver stated they are able to collect data, but it is much more labor intensive <br />339 since a road tube cannot differentiate between a biker or a car. He agreed they do <br />340 need to make an effort to collect this type of data in Roseville, and St. Paul and <br />341 Minneapolis may already be doing in it certain parts of their Cities. <br />342 Member Heimerl expressed concern that Roseville has different values that the <br />343 Metropolitan Council and there is no governing body to keep it in line with <br />344 Roseville's plans for how the City needs to grow. Member Seigler agreed and stated <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />
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