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Last modified
12/8/2017 11:34:25 AM
Creation date
12/8/2017 11:33:03 AM
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Public Works Commission
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345 it seems they are doing what the Metropolitan Council tells them to do, instead of <br />346 doing what is best for Roseville. <br />347 Mr. Culver pointed out that while they are required to have a bike/pedestrian plan, <br />348 it simply needs to address that element. The City's response could be they are still <br />349 determining what will work best for them. Chair Cihacek stated it also will include <br />350 pedestrian connections, not just bike lanes. <br />351 Mr. Mareck continued his report by highlighting the existing and proposed <br />352 pathways as part of the Pathway Master Plan. There are two types of bikers that use <br />353 the bike trails: hardcore and recreational users. Typically, the vast majority of <br />354 bicyclists are recreational users and they prefer safe environments. While a plan <br />355 may address both types of users, it can be created based on the user the City wants <br />356 to focus on. It is more about quality of life versus a transportation benefit. <br />357 Mr. Mareck reported upcoming program projects in the City includes <br />358 improvements on Interstate 35W, Snelling Avenue, and the MN Pass on Highway <br />359 36. These will be incorporated into the Transportation Plan. In the State, most of <br />360 the investment will be into maintaining the system. They can document their unmet <br />361 needs, and include them in the Transportation Plan as a way to communicate with <br />362 State Legislators and Congress. <br />363 Mr. Mareck highlighted the Summary of Focus Group Comments and pointed out <br />364 there has been a significant amount of comments from the citizens wanting multi - <br />365 modal improvements for the City long-term. <br />366 Given the lateness of the meeting, Chair Cihacek recommended Commissioners <br />367 send their questions to staff, who will direct them to the consultant and address <br />368 them at the next meeting. <br />11 V <br />369 At the request of Mr. Culver, Mr. Mareck provided an update on events related to <br />370 the Transportation Plan. He stated there is a Walkabout taking place tonight in the <br />371 Rice Street/Larpenteur area, which will be documented and part of the final report. <br />372 On July 20 at 6:00 p.m., there will be a Transportation Plan Focus Group meeting <br />373 in the Council Chambers. He encouraged Commission members to let staff know <br />374 if they recommend any people in the community that would be a good addition to <br />375 this group. On July 25, at the PWETC meeting, they will talk more about the <br />376 Pathways Master Plan and the prioritization methodology for projects in the <br />377 existing plan. They will consult with the Commission over the fall, and sometime <br />378 before Thanksgiving, there will an Open House highlighting the entire <br />379 Transportation Plan. Final Council approval is targeted for December. <br />380 The Commission thanked Mr. Mareck for his report. Ms. Misra requested the <br />381 upcoming dates highlighted by Mr. Mareck be sent out to Commission members. <br />382 Mr. Culver confirmed it will be sent out to everyone. <br />383 <br />384 7. PWETC/City Council Joint Meeting <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />
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