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Last modified
12/8/2017 12:10:59 PM
Creation date
12/8/2017 11:43:28 AM
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Public Works Commission
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307 In order to put some metrics to this, they used land use and looked at what it is <br />308 connecting to. They worked with staff to come up with the scoring and worked <br />309 with institutional uses as a different type of destination, parks and open spaces, <br />310 public facilities, and employment facilities. <br />311 <br />312 Mr. Freihammer explained the term "public facility" was removed from the first <br />313 bullet point because it appears on the third bullet point. It defines public space as <br />314 places such as a library or City Hall, and is only used once in the totals. He stated <br />315 the red areas on the handout are the areas they made changes on after they ran a <br />316 scenario with the pathway plan. If a pathway connects to multiple parks, it receives <br />317 multiple points. <br />318 <br />319 Chair Cihacek inquired why connecting to multiple parks gets multiple points, but <br />320 connecting to multiple employment centers only gets one point. <br />321 <br />322 Mr. Freihammer responded they did it this way because one of the ways of their <br />323 methodology is counting by parcels of businesses. There is another criteria that is <br />324 based on employees and they did not want to give too much weight to it. People <br />325 tend to walk to parks, it is not counted in any other criteria, and they felt it was <br />326 more valuable to keep it there. <br />327 <br />328 Mr. Culver commented one challenge with parcels in Rosedale and other areas, is <br />329 there are many more employers than there are parcels. An employment number may <br />330 be a better indicator, but it is a Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) level. If you <br />331 touch the TAZ, which are larger squares, then you are touching that number of <br />332 employees. You may only be touching the western side of it and all the employees <br />333 are spread out throughout the TAZ. These ranking criteria are not perfect, but it <br />334 provides the opportunity to take in a lot of different factors and reasonably score <br />335 these segments. <br />336 <br />337 Chair Cihacek commented his main concern with the point spread is that it <br />338 potentially biases recreational use versus employment use. However, there may not <br />339 be a better smaller measure than a TAZ because they are not a large community. <br />340 With the Transportation Plan, which is helping shift where people are traveling to, <br />341 some of the areas such as commercial or employment may become more important <br />342 than recreational use. <br />343 <br />344 Member Wozniak suggested they change Commercial use to Mixed Use, or use <br />345 whatever the land use terminology is. <br />346 <br />347 Mr. Hingeveld explained this was based off the current land use map which does <br />348 not have Mixed Use as a term. The future land use map does introduce Mixed Use. <br />349 <br />350 Member Thumau inquired if they should consider using future land use in this <br />351 section if it is something they want to include in the adopted land use guide. <br />352 <br />Page 8 of 15 <br />
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