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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
12/8/2017 12:10:59 PM
Creation date
12/8/2017 11:43:28 AM
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Public Works Commission
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353 Mr. Culver commented it gives it a little more credibility if the land use referenced <br />354 matches up with the land use maps. <br />355 <br />356 Mr. Hingeveld agreed. He stated the current constraint is they do not have a 2040 <br />357 Land Use Map adopted yet, but they can make the update. <br />358 <br />359 Volume of usage. <br />360 Mr. Hingeveld explained counts on a sidewalk are non-existent, so they looked at <br />361 population demand and employment. <br />362 <br />363 Chair Cihacek inquired how the spread of numbers works. <br />364 <br />365 Mr. Freihammer referred to a document that explained how they ranked these items. <br />366 There was a pretty good spread and that is how they came up with the numbers. <br />367 They determined if there was a low volume, it should be given less credit. They <br />368 want to rank the ones with a higher need. One of the assumptions that is made on <br />369 the current plan is they look at an overall segment. The longer a segment is, the <br />370 more points it is going to accumulate. Sometimes the longest segment is the highest <br />371 ranked because it is near more of the population. They may need to consider <br />372 breaking down the segments into smaller ones. <br />373 <br />374 Member Misra agreed that breaking it up makes sense. She inquired about the <br />375 column on the extreme left of the document. <br />376 <br />377 Mr. Freihammer responded it is referring to the map, it is simply a segment number <br />378 used to identify the segment on the map. <br />379 <br />380 Member Thurnau TAZ is primarily designated to follow land use. <br />381 <br />382 Mr. Culver inquired if they were using census data or Metropolitan Council forecast <br />383 data <br />384 <br />385 Mr. Freihammer responded for the population, they used 2010 census data. He <br />386 explained they took portions of the TAZ and cannot get down to the absolute detail <br />387 of it. <br />388 <br />389 Mr. Hingeveld referred to the one-quarter mile distance. He stated most people are <br />390 comfortable doing this distance and it is standard to use. With the grid system in <br />391 Roseville, the arterials are generally spaced at half mile apart. <br />392 <br />393 Connects to regional system. <br />394 Mr. Hingeveld explained some of the pathways will provide a connection beyond <br />395 Roseville. The Regional Bike Transportation Network (RBTN) is a new item that <br />396 has been established by the Metropolitan Council. It is similar to a regional trail, <br />397 but focuses on atransportation corridor. <br />398 <br />Page 9 of 15 <br />
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