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Last modified
12/8/2017 12:10:59 PM
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12/8/2017 11:43:28 AM
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9.1. To complete major linkages to the regional pathway system; utilize grade separations <br />(pedestrian bridges and tunnels] to overcome major obstacles. <br />9.2. Signage shall be utilized to inform and direct users of regional trail linkages. <br />10. Provide a pathway system that promotes a sense of community through the connection of <br />neighborhoods. <br />10.1. Utilize existing or purchase new easements to construct pathways between neighborhoods. <br />10.2. Develop a lower hierarchy trail as neighborhood �onnector�. commented [cels]: n lower nie,arc,hy iriargon; replace <br />11. Provide a pathway system that connects to local and regional commercial Alesdestinaflons. <br />11.1. Provide pathway access from neighborhoods to commercial uses for consumers and <br />emplovees. <br />11.2. Provide connections from neighborhoods to the regional system for commuting Cyclists. Commented [CB17]: Is this duplicate of 9? <br />Commented [MC18R17]: I agiee it seems repetitive, would <br />sugge4 deleting this <br />IMPLEMENTATION <br />12. Coordinate planning and design of pathway connections with neighborhood groups, civic <br />organizations, school districts, business districts and other governing agencies. <br />12.1. Share the Pathway Master Plan with representatives of these various group . Commented [CB19]: Delete and REPLACEwith Makethe <br />12.2. WhenroJecs are g P P P P tbeing lanned; representatives for the impacted groups will be pathway Marta plan pubrcally available to interested parches and <br />P stakeholders tluough multip is means <br />consulted before plans are finalized. <br />12.3. Allow for phasing of some pathways to see them through stages of implementation and <br />funding. <br />12.4. Develop landscape standards for enhancing existing pathways and developing new <br />pathways in conjunction with partners. <br />13. Consider alternative pathway types, suitable to intended use. <br />13.1. Pathways intended for wheeled uses shall be paved. <br />13.2. Pathways in ecologically sensitive areas shall be designed to minimize their impact. <br />13.3. Pathways intended for winter activities will not have their snow removed. <br />13.4. Non -paved pathways will kebe utfli,pd to _,.,.tn of sang. oseslimited in use (walking, <br />hiking, etc.). <br />14. Pathways shall be designed to avoid user conflicts. <br />14.1. Highuse areas with multiple user groups (bicvchsts, pedestrians, in-line skaters, etc.) may <br />require *&e4separate pathways for separate uses. <br />14.2. In areas of potential or known conflict between users-4ailspathways shall be signed for <br />their intended use. <br />14.3. Direction of traffic flow, on high use pathways, will be defined and signed or marked. <br />14.4. Significant space or �darriers shall be providedbetweenpathways and conflicting adjacent <br />uses. <br />14.5. Pathways where conflicts with speed occur shall have defined speed advisories that are <br />properly signed. <br />14.6. Pathways shall be designed to provide for adequate visibility based on most current <br />Commented [CB20]: Do we have a design standard for Rise <br />othervise unclear. J <br />Commented [MCMR20]: Would vary depending on type of <br />facility and type of conflict Example would be delineators on County <br />Road west of Cleveland <br />
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