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Last modified
12/8/2017 12:10:59 PM
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12/8/2017 11:43:28 AM
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MNDOT standards for pathway facilities. <br />-1-4614.7. Best practices shall be consideredwhen designing pathways on -road or adiacentto <br />roadways to minimize conflicts between motorized vehicles and bicvclists and <br />pedestrians. <br />15. Develop a consistent palette of design elements. <br />15.1. Design elements shall consist of signage, trail markings, curb cuts, driveway crossings, <br />medians/dividers, intersections/crosswalks, furniture, lighting, walls, and typical pathway <br />and roadway sections. <br />15.2. Develop a design goal to provide a boulevard between pathways and roadways that lends <br />itself to civic beauty and traffic calming. <br />16. Establish a formal review process for new and renovated public and private development <br />projects that addresses pedestrian and bicycle issues. <br />16.1. City staff will utilize the City Plan Review Process to ensure consistency with the <br />Pathway Master Plan. <br />16.2. Staff will develop and use a checklist to aid in the plan review process that shall be <br />required to complete prior to plan �dppr oval[ <br />17. Pathways shall be part of roadway design and construction. <br />17.1. The City shall consider pathways as part of the transportation system. <br />17.2. The City recognizes that residents adjacent to the pathways may not be the only <br />beneficiaries. <br />18. Seek ways to encourage businesses to address light tFaf€tebicyclist and pedestrian issues <br />through the redevelopment of their property. <br />18.1. Provide incentives( low interest loans)for Roseville businesses to redevelop their property <br />with improvements for'' pedestrians and bicyclists. <br />19. Pathways will be kept in good repair and useable. <br />19.1. During winter, the highest use pathways shall be cleared of snow to bare pavement. <br />19.2. During winter, the medium use pathways shall be cleared of enough snow to allow <br />passage. <br />19.3. During winter, the low use pathways will not be cleared of snow. <br />19.4. Pathways will be cleared within 24 hours after a snowfall. <br />19.5. All paved pathways shall be swept once during the spring and once during late summer. <br />19.6. Vegetation encroaching in a pathway corridor shall be trimmed to allow safe passage <br />according to most current MnDOT standards. <br />19.7. All pathways and their related facilities shall be inspected annually. Inspection data shall <br />be entered into a management system to help guide the maintenance and replacement <br />decisions. <br />Commented [CB22]: Do we have this now? If so we can delete <br />this point or make it present tense <br />Commented [MM]: These could be clarified to be consistent <br />with owrent practices For winter maintenance, distinguish b etween <br />resident responsibilities (sidewalk shoveling) and Cites (key hail <br />
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