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Last modified
12/8/2017 12:10:59 PM
Creation date
12/8/2017 11:43:28 AM
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Public Works Commission
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Attachment E <br />Public Comment on Pathway Master Plan: <br />Erin Stellmach <br />Roma Avenue <br />Hi, It is my understanding that you are updating the pathway master plan for Roseville. I would like to <br />strongly recommend the addition of a sidewalk on Fernwood Avenue extending from Cub Foods north to <br />County Road B. This is a road people use to get to the grocery store, mechanic, elementary school, <br />church, playgrounds and the bus stop. Elderly, young children and people with pets regularly use this <br />road as a walkway to these varied destinations. With an increase in distracted driving, it would give me <br />great ease to have the safety of a sidewalk along Fernwood Avenue. It is an investment in the well-being <br />and curb appeal of our community. It may also be beneficial to increase access to businesses on the east <br />side of Lexington Avenue with a sidewalk extending from Larpenteur to at least Roselawn. The crosswalk <br />located at Dionne across Lexington is particularly dangerous, as it crosses four lanes of traffic. Drivers <br />often swerve around cars that are stopped for pedestrians and it is rare that all four lanes realize the <br />presence of pedestrians and their need to stop at once. Adding flashing lights and/or moving the <br />crosswalk north to Roma Avenue, with the addition of sidewalks on the east side would be a great <br />improvement. Thank you for considering increasing access and safety in our neighborhoods. <br />Erica TenBroek <br />Crescent Lane <br />Dear Public Works, Transportation and Environmental Committee Members, I'm impressed with the list of <br />potential new connections that you will be considering today and the comprehensive ranking system. <br />Many of these connectors are sorely needed and will greatly improve life for Roseville residents. I am a <br />Villa Park Volunteer Captain and am writing you with a few comments on the proposed connection within <br />Villa Park. I believe this is number 22. In your ranking system I trust that you will adequately survey <br />residents to understand whether or not there will be enough usage to justify the cost of the new pathways <br />(both environmental and $). From conversations with users of the lower Villa Park trails, I question a need <br />for new paths within Villa. Most people I talk with on the trails are opposed to further development in the <br />park. 1) Use of current paths is not as great as one would expect considering previous surveys. 2) The <br />current paved paths are asphalt, which adds to the pollutant load in the adjacent watershed. Additional <br />paths of this nature will only increase the need for frequent treatment of the watershed (very expensive) <br />due to additional sediment accumulation and toxic hydrocarbon run-off. 3) Maintenance costs increase <br />(not to mention cost of installation) 4) Invasive plants spread (already a problem in Villa,- both mowing <br />and foot traffic spread seeds). This is a hidden cost currently not receiving adequate attention. 5) Less <br />habitat for birds and other wildlife (we have unfortunately lost numerous undeveloped lots in the <br />neighborhood that allowed for wildlife refuge.... there are other lots for sale that will also no doubt be <br />developed). The more we take away, the greater the hidden costs. Property values drop, wildlife control <br />becomes more of an issue, the ecosystems have added strain on them and their functioning becomes <br />impaired. Please consider dropping this connector from your list or making it a very low priority. Thank <br />you for all that you do and best of luck) Warm regards, Erica TenBroek <br />
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