Lake Owasso Task Force
<br />10/2/96 minutes
<br />atten�ing: Ariklan, Fgli, rt•atn�r, i,inder, Pr��k, Stayk, Vat���us, W��lfangle, Wn��d, N�7r-th
<br />cl�air: Gary Woad
<br />1. Minutcs fram 9/16/96 wcrc a�provcd unanimauslv
<br />Note that Mardy Ulesen (49U-22U6) is the secretary for Steve North (49U�22U2; fax: 49U-227,6
<br />2. Issues to be considered by�QT�(Lake Owasso Task Force) wzre revie��ed.
<br />Initially the list of issues read: 1. Environmental; 2. Regulatory enfarcement, 3, Safeiy,
<br />4. Individual interest, S, Grottp interect, 6. Public interest, 7. Property rights,
<br />R. i,eg�l/jurisdieli�mal, 9. T,c�ng lenn imPdels, hislury, metrc� lake use. In �ddilic�n, lhe gcx��;e
<br />prograui, lake pumpiug, uid purpl� lons�strife wera listed.
<br />Commcnts includcd: This list �vill providc LOTF with u road map. Is thc buf�cr thc primary
<br />issue`? Will the city incur any liubility in setting the law'? 1�'rom what is the bui�'er zone rneasured
<br />(dam level; average high water)? If no one unc�erstands or enfoi•ces the current buffer zone, what
<br />effect will a change in law have?
<br />General consensus w�as: Issues 8 and 9 can provide s�apporting data for the preceding issues and
<br />wer� callzd "c��nsidarati�7ns". The gr��up agr�zd t}iatthe g�x�se prograrn, lake I�velr'puri�t�ing, and
<br />loosestrife, and iu additiati, w�ad contral, unsafe w�at�r advisories, ai�d slioreliiie changes, were
<br />real issues but that these were not central to a surface use regulation ordinance and were instead
<br />additional mattcrs wc could considcr or makc a rccommcndation on to thc city council.
<br />To prioritize issues 1-7, LOTF members each voted rivice to indicate which two issu�s were
<br />xnost important to them. In arder df importance, they were: Environnxen� Regulatory
<br />enforcement / Safeiy (tie), Public interest, Property rights. There were no vates for Individual
<br />ini.erc;st �ir Grc�up inl�re�l.. There wa� u�me uncerininly �ver huw inleresls ��f individ��ls,
<br />gi���ups, tli� puhlic, and ril�arians c�iuld be se��arat�ly examined, though the public was ider��ified
<br />as users af the Ranisey county park and boat launch, A public meeting for Roseville rasidents is
<br />clearly needed and would be most approprilte xfler 1/1/97.
<br />S2� e�2� for the city attomeX, 1�/16 meeti��;.
<br />sea attached memo to Steve �1arth.
<br />Individuals a�d groups to be invitad to 10/30 eeting on environmentll issues:
<br />Dan Meyer - current Grass Lake Wa.ter Management District (CTLW1viD) lioard memner, long-
<br />titne collectar af water clarii�� data. - Woad will invite.
<br />Dan (Ton�?} Peteisoi�, Ramsey Couuty Soil and Water - Anklin to invite.
<br />Jeti Roessler - GLWMD Board mzmber - E�li to invite.
<br />Tom Landwehr - Shorcvicw city council mombcr and DI`dR cmploycc; dcvcloper of workshop
<br />on "Vlanaging yaur �'uburban Lakeshore Property" -!lnklin to invite
<br />Gramer movzd, unanimous assent: These speakers should tell us, Uased on their interest and/or
<br />expertise, what �ffect wauld a chauge of the no-t��ake btiffer zone have on Lake Owasso7 They
<br />