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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />CHANGES IN NEi POSITION <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(accrual hasis of accouiztirep� <br />Expenses <br />Governmental activities: <br />Gcncral go�rcmmcnt <br />Public salely <br />Public �rorks <br />Parks and. recreation <br />Hconomic dcvclopmcnt <br />Inleresl on Long-term debt <br />Tolal governmenlal acti��ities expenses <br />Bueiness-type aclivities: <br />Sc���cr <br />�Vater <br />Golf <br />Stonn Drauiage <br />Rccyding <br />Total bi�sincss-Typc uctivitics cxpcnscs <br />Totnl primury govcrnmcnt cxpcnscs <br />Program Revenues <br />Govcrnmcntal activitics: <br />Chnrges for eetvices: <br />General �overninent <br />Public safery <br />Parky an[1 rccrcution <br />Other activities <br />Operating grents anQ contribalions <br />Capital grants and. contributions <br />Total gorenunental aclivilies program revenues <br />Business-type activities: <br />Chargcs for Scrviccs: <br />SeNer <br />Watcr <br />Golf <br />Stonn Drainagc <br />Recycling <br />Operating grants ;and contributions <br />Capital grants and conh�iburions <br />Total business-rype activities prograui reveuues <br />Total primaiy govenuneut program reveuues <br />Nct (cxpcnsc)/rcvcnuc <br />GovernmentaL activities <br />Bnsiness-type activities <br />Total primary govcrnmcnt nct cxpcnsc <br />General Revenues and Other Changes in Net Assets <br />Guvernmen�al ac�ivi�iet: <br />Taxcs <br />ProperLv L2xes <br />Tax incrcmcnty <br />Cable Cranchisetaxes <br />Gambling texcs <br />Crants and contribulions not restricted to specific programs <br />Unresfictcfl invcyhncnt carnin�a <br />Unrestricted net inerease (decrease) in the fair vafia of hrvest�nents <br />Guin un salc of cepital asscts <br />Transfers <br />Total go�-enuuental acti��ities <br />Business-tvpe activities: <br />Unres'trictcd invcst�ncnt carnings <br />Um�esh�icted uet inerease(decreasa) in the fair value of iuvesnnents <br />Gnin un sale of capital asset� <br />Transfers <br />Total business-[}�e activities <br />Total pr�nary governmenl <br />Change in Net Position <br />Gowrnmcntal activitics <br />Business-type activiiies <br />Total primary governmen� <br />Table 2 <br />(Page 1 of 2) <br />Unaudited <br />Fiscal Year <br />2007 2005 2009 2010 2011 <br />$ 3,830,814 $ 4;253,715 $ 5,150,773 $ 4,266,756 $ 4,395,483 <br />8�96,894 8,007,678 8,761,100 9,442,966 8,572,723 <br />4,604,463 4,720,546 4,47Q830 2,800,235 4,86$114 <br />4,380,1A7 4,935,21A 4,770,793 4,698,518 4,737,072 <br />2,469,226 2,357,776 1,742,174 10,950,324 7,696,156 <br />400,498 392,527 50R,970 429,094 427,003 <br />23,982,OR2 24,677.460 24,804,6d0 32,SR7.R73 24,696.551 <br />3,035,274 3,504,577 3,520,566 3,763,009 3,403,703 <br />4,739,327 4,R81,489 �,399,949 S,OSR,RR3 5,417,R1R <br />354,315 344,445 378,890 338,860 332,480 <br />826,297 707,675 850,575 797,535 1,073,180 <br />443,954 467,847 499,501 478,471 527,581 <br />9,399,200 9,906,033 10.589,481 10,436,758 10,754,762 <br />$ 33,381,282 $ 34,583,493 $ 35394,121 $ 43,024,631 $ 35,451,313 <br />$ 2,700,261 $ 2,445,389 $ 2,869,646 $ 2,611,668 $ 2,857,048 <br />%6,899 549,93L 1,454,107 1,545,830 1,890,436 <br />1,926,806 1,765,969 1,917,605 1,919,896 2,430,291 <br />1,SOZ,012 L,491,065 2,991,�63 697,435 560,173 <br />872,349 877,723 819,160 870,158 983,149 <br />806,147 371,295 1987,239 3,283,975 2,294,488 <br />8,674,474 7,501,372 12,039,320 10,928,965 11,015,585 <br />2,796,265 2,893,260 3,090,778 3,600,334 <br />4,809,523 5,024,591 5,144,355 5,048,473 <br />315372 31Q921 312,200 302,610 <br />688,715 736,688 812,831 840,743 <br />387,706 426,249 34�,218 499,773 <br />63,561 66,661 75,349 69,775 <br />321,188 <br />9,061,A42 9,458790 9,780,731 10,682,8I6 <br />$ 17,73_5,916 $ 16,959,742 $ 21,820,051 $ 21,611,861 <br />3,OR7,514 <br />S,SS0,04S <br />270,434 <br />956,350 <br />545,695 <br />70,�F7 <br />250,858 <br />10,761,166 <br />$ 21,776,751 <br />$ (15,307,608) $ (17,176,085) $ (12,765,320) $ (21,658,908) $ (13,680,966) <br />(337,758) (447,663) (808,750) 246,138 6,404 <br />$ (15,645,3661 $ (17,623,751) $ (13,574,070) $ (21,412,770) $ (13,674,562) <br />$ 11,2A6,116 $ 12,417,024 $ 12,553,187 $ 15,611,3R7 <br />2,765,844 2,95fi,413 �,258,562 1,966,665 <br />337,069 372J06 375,5�1 380,108 <br />88,890 70,488 81,274 80,282 <br />225,497 227.04A 26,477 25,577 <br />1,888,916 1,353,647 695,472 1,122,891 <br />25,000 Z�,UUO 84,007 <br />16,552,332 17,422,320 17,04�,�23 19,27Q917 <br />$ 13,501,068 <br />1,592,214 <br />393,fi57 <br />R6,952 <br />25,738 <br />730,309 <br />25,000 <br />16,355,438 <br />356,442 257,409 135,664 176,315 123,786 <br />�zs,000) (zs,000) (s4,00�j �2s,000> <br />356,4h2 232,409 ll0,66d 92,308 98,786 <br />$ ]6,90R,774 $ 17,654,729 $ 17,156,187 $ 19,363,225 $ 16,454,224 <br />$ 1,244,724 $ 246,232 $ 4,280,203 $ (2,387,991) $ 2,674,472 <br />IR,6R4 (215,354] (G98,ORG� 998,446 105,190 <br />R 1,263,40R $ 30,978 $ 3,SR2,117 $ (2,049,545) $ 3,779,6G2 <br />110 <br />