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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />CHANGES IN NEi POSITION <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(accrual hasis of accouiztire� <br />Expenses <br />Governmental activities: <br />Gcncral go�rcmmcnt <br />Public salely <br />Public Rrorks <br />Parks and. recreation <br />Hcon�mic dcvclopmcnt <br />Inleresl on Long-tarm debt <br />Tolal governmental activities expenses <br />Business-type aclivities: <br />Sc���cr <br />�Vater <br />Golf <br />Srorm Draivage <br />Rccyding <br />Total bi�sincss-Typc uctivitics cxpcnscs <br />Totrtl primury govanmcnt cxpcnscs <br />Program Revenues <br />Govcmincntal activitics: <br />Chnrges for aervices: <br />General goveminent <br />Public safery <br />Parks and recrcahon <br />Other activities <br />Operating grents and contribt�tions <br />Capital grants and. contributions <br />Total govenmiental activities progain revenues <br />Business-type activities: <br />Chargcs for Scrviccs: <br />SeN er <br />W atcr <br />Golf <br />Storin Drainagc <br />RecycLing <br />Operating grants und contribuTions <br />Capital grants and contributions <br />TotaL business-rype activities program reveimes <br />TotaL primaiy govenmieut prograni reveimes <br />Nct (cxpcnsc)/rcvcmic <br />GovernmentaL activities <br />Bttsincss-typc activftics <br />Total piimarv govcrnmart nct cxpcusc <br />General Reveuues and Other Changes in Net Asse[s <br />Governmen�l ac�ivi�iet: <br />Taxcs <br />Properiv Laxes <br />Tax incrcmcnts <br />Cable Ganchisetaxes <br />Gambling texcs <br />Crants and conlributions not restricted to specific programs <br />UnrcSfictcd invcsincnt carningy <br />Uiuestricted nel iverease (decrease) in Ihe lair valua of lnvesunenxs <br />Guin un salc of wpita.l asscts <br />Transfers <br />Total go�-enunental activities <br />Business-type activities: <br />Unrestrictcd invcstmcnt c;arnings <br />Um�esh�icted net increase(decreasa) in the fair value of iuvesnueuts <br />Gain on salc of capiWl asscts <br />Transfers <br />Total business-rype activities <br />Total primary govenunent <br />Change in Net Posifion <br />GovcrnmcnWl activitics <br />Business-type acLiviLies <br />Total primary governmen� <br />Table 2 <br />(Page 2 of 2) <br />Unaudited <br />Fiscal Year <br />2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 <br />$ 4,654,650 $ 5,376,560 $ 5,856,306 $ 6,126,713 $ 7,615,373 <br />9,417,458 9,792,587 9,?�4,98ft 10,307,351 L3,L02,041 <br />4,475,774 4,399,267 5,249,925 4,834,914 9,676,272 <br />4J94,33A 5,523,875 �,690,332 4,653,377 5,185,R4S <br />1,261,035 954,315 1,671,76& 2,603,186 4,729,987 <br />6A5,377 1,160,953 ftft1,R87 8A6,950 A13,509 <br />25,2RR,632 27,207,R57 28,605,206 29,412,491 41,123,027 <br />3,638,421 3,575,823 3,651,174 3,541,971 3,815,857 <br />6,307,221 5,915,R05 5,553,ft00 5,69R,196 5,977,�12 <br />360,SiS 345,816 339,911 306,814 340,677 <br />1,000,570 942,598 1,324,675 1,120,225 1,327,856 <br />549,713 550,285 449490 463,O1S 480,913 <br />I I,555,843 I 1,330,327 1 I 319,050 I I,130,224 I 1,942, 820 <br />$ 37,144,475 $ 38,SJ8,184 $ 39.924,256 $ 40,542,715 $ 53,065,847 <br />$ 3,007,628 $ 3,488,493 $ 3,332,230 $ 3,738,297 $ 4,059,091 <br />1,507,9R8 1,9Z�,320 1,804,563 1,772,335 2,35R,L47 <br />1,976,767 2,591,924 2,000,010 2,297,670 Z,390,468 <br />351,514 L,173,925 292,365 d05,930 L,009,329 <br />905,922 1,029,327 967,703 1,055,870 1,219,715 <br />2,355,429 1,046,150 1,013,102 2368,626 2,137,095 <br />10,405.242 11,255,139 9,4�9,973 11,638,608 13,173,845 <br />3J40,826 4,105,523 4,225,�32 4,561,235 4,fl08,303 <br />6,607,234 6,628,378 6,662,997 6,643,628 6,657,934 <br />299,555 271,0J5 291,U36 325,460 333,222 <br />I,526,792 1,647,924 I,722,757 I,696,055 1,798,727 <br />453,259 455,271 367,469 348,965 371,871 <br />104,891 69,613 70,419 189,251 90,533 <br />2Q858 259,550 470,967 2,000 277,055 <br />12,753,415 13,437,354 13,811,177 13,766,594 14,367,645 <br />$ 23,158,657 $ 24,692,493 $ 23,271,150 $ 25,4-05,202 $ 27,541,490 <br />$ (14,883,390) $ (15,953,715) $ (19,145,233) $ (17,773,883) $ (27,949,1N2) <br />897,572 2,707,027 2,492,127 2,636,370 2,424,825 <br />$ (13,955,8181 $ (13,845,691) $ (16,653106) $ (15,137,513) $ (25,524,357) <br />$ 15,085,154 $ 16,895,A04 $ 17,318,833 $ 17,710,161 $ 19,SSQ627 <br />2,342,447 7,607,882 7,927,267 2,22Q667 7,677,742 <br />415,3K5 A24,SL2 44�,088 d36,�51 449,920 <br />74,504 76,272 77,604 83,879 93,815 <br />24,693 24,928 249,375 24,435 24,435 <br />350,777 288,fi00 474,278 579,253 758,630 <br />- (1,535,227) 1,614,919 ll9,627 (897,64D) <br />- - - - 129,474 <br />25,000 (72,884) 782,000 78Z,000 805,000 <br />1A,317,900 17,71Q187 22,892,3U4 21,956,867 22,592,003 <br />39,801 35,662 56,806 45,799 36,653 <br />47,384 (233,366) 241,2d3 _5,129 (46,107) <br />- - 10,513 145,442 7,635 <br />�u,000� �z,ssa ��az,000� ��az,000� �sos,000� <br />62,1ffi (134,820) (473,�38) (586,230) (806,814) <br />$ 18,380,085 $ 17,575,367 $ 22,d18,866 $ 21,370,637 $ 21,785,189 <br />$ 3,434,510 $ 1,757,469 $ 3,747,071 $ 4,182,984 $ (5,357,179) <br />959,757 1,972,207 2,OIR,6R9 2,050,140 I,(IR,OLI <br />$ 4,394,267 $ 3,729,676 R 5,765,7fi0 $ 6,333,124 $ (3,739, LG8) <br />